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Zehnder DX 66 Use at home


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Looking through FTA recievers for M/home and at home.


Does anyone know if the above can be used with a motorised dish at home, The specs say the unit is "Multi LNB controlled by DiSEqC 1.2 and 22KHz"


From what I have read generally about FTA recievers, the answer would seem to be Yes, but I would like to make sure.


The PDF handbook download from RoadPro seems a little short on this type of information.


We have a Camos dome on the motorhome, so thats a "point and shoot "excercise.





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Thx for the replies.


As a matter of interest, does a domestic motorised satellite use the LNB cable to carry the current that powers the motor to move the satellite ?


Or is the DiSEqC signal just instructions, and the power is supplied by an alternative source ?


In the case of the Camos, it is obviously all in one, just wondering if if heavier units need other power sources. Some adverts for domestic movable installtions speak of using a 36V supply, current does not seem to be mentioned.


Thx for the advice about muliple LNBs, at this stage I am not too sure of which Sats, I want to look at, but tghis maybe a more stable (windwise) and cheaper solution.



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