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Solar panel


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When in France this year, I met a chap who had a Chausson based on a Ford chassis. In order to alleviate the battery going flat whilst he left the van unattended when in storage, he had a small solar panel placed on the windscreen which went into to 12v connection on the dash.

I did not get a really good look at it but it was only a small thing. I have looked on ebay and such things seem to be very cheap.

Not being a techo bloke, I thought that the 12v connection could only be used the run things eg sat nav, not to send power the other way.

Can someone clarify this for me and are they any good?

Thank you *-)

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Thank you for that.

I always find it amazing the number of people online at any one time, especially in the middle of the day, which is most useful as it provides me with knowledge, when the wife is giving the mixer some cake making work. (?)

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My car battery was about eight years old and I needed to leave my car on the drive, unused, through Feb and March a couple of years ago.


I plugged in one of those small solar chargers and when I tried it the battery started the car first time.


Whether or not it would have done that without the charger I don't know but some months later the battery was declared dead and had to be replaced, so I assume the charger did some good.



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