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replacement tyres again


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I think [yes. honest I do - sometimes]

that 'camping tyres' are designed for large motorhomes

they seem - reading reviews - to be aimed a vehicles with high loading requirements, ie back axle of 'van with big oven, fridge and bike rack/ garage,

for a user with quite low annual mileage - who is interested in comfort = soft ride

so, is this you ????????????????

buy camping tyres - if not, then don't





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Patricia - 2010-11-04 6:33 PM


Thank you Derek but like you Duffers the German is beyond me. I have though read the French version of the Michelin product page and it states there that the Agilis Camper is suitable for extended temperatures and allows sufficient adherence for the occasional transport over some difficult conditions such as tracks, mud and snow. This is reassuring enough for me as I have no intention of driving far in those conditions anyway. However, if I was intending to go to the ski-ing resorts I would probably buy at least two of the Alpin for the front wheels.


For me, skimping on tyres and brakes is a no-no.


the Agilis Camper is a summer tyre

by my reckoning this is not suitable for 'extended temperatures'



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The agilis camper is an M+S tyre, it is suitable for occssional winter use.

There is another advantage to M+S tyres, the rubber remains softer at low temperatures compared to normal summer tyres and this comes into its own right below about 5 to 10 degrees C. So on our cold wet Autumn to spring roads the M+S or a winter tyre makes a lot of sense as better grip will be afforded.

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