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Beware of Squirrels

Big Momma

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I store my van at the side of my house, there are no trees in the immediate vicinity of the van. Acouple of weeks ago when I started the van up I noticed that the ABS light had illuminated on the dashboard instrument panel. Thinking it was just one of those Gremlins I left it until I had to take it in to the dealers for some other work to be conducted and asked them to take a look at it. The following day I received a phone call from them saying that the van had been vandalised, I thought they meant whilst it was with them, but no they meant that someone had cut the wires to the ABS sensors on three of the wheels (2 at the front and one at the rear), also a wire to one of the side marker lights had been cut and the rubber boot the covers the high velocity joint was also cut. They said that it looked as if someone had used a very sharp knife, scissors, wire cutters type tool as the cuts were clean. The additional bad news was that this damage was not covered under my manufacturers warranty.


Fortunately, the culprit has been identified. And by the way this is not a joke it is real, after owners of 7 separate vehicles in the North area of Swindon reported similar damage to their cars to the Police, they conducted forensic examination and the offender(s) was discovered to be squirrels.


We do have a grey squirrel that we often see in our garden and those of our neighbours, in fact one of the neighbours has a table set up especially to feed them. It appears that they have a habit of biting through wires and cabling and are notorious for it.


I have lived here for nearly 4 years and never encountered this problem before, not on my previous van or indeed on either of our cars which are also parked outside the house. The cost of repair is £320 but my concern is that when it comes back the damn squirrel may attack again. The RSPCA have told me that I cannot kill it myself but that I can purchase a trap, bait it and when I catch the squirrel pay for a pest conroller to dispose of it humanely. So in addition to the cost of repair, I have to pay to buy a trap and the bait and then if I am successful pay to have the damn rodent killed.


First part of the plan is to hop over the fence and cut down my neighbours nice squirrel feeding table, next plan is to catch the squirrel and read it the riot act (or maybe not !!).


There is a humerous side to this so I forgive you if you have a chuckle at my expense. However, my intention for posting this is to warn others who may unwittingly lure these fluffy animals into their gardens with food, it may end up costing you a little more than a bagful of nuts and if I get hold of this bloody squirrel ........................... >:-) >:-) >:-)

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Hi Big Momma,


I just happen to have a crack team of Squirrel disposal experts. There are 4 of them and they will do the job for a few bones or a bag of dog treats.


They have experience and there is no cruelty involved as they despatch the squirrel in a flash.


I am just the driver but I can guarantee their work. If I am passing, we will pop in.

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747 - 2010-11-04 10:54 PM


Hi Big Momma,


I just happen to have a crack team of Squirrel disposal experts. There are 4 of them and they will do the job for a few bones or a bag of dog treats.


They have experience and there is no cruelty involved as they despatch the squirrel in a flash.


I am just the driver but I can guarantee their work. If I am passing, we will pop in.


very kind of you. A quick question - do squirrels hibernate in the winter ?

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Hi Eric

Sorry to hear of your plight.

Grey Squirrels are amusing to watch, but that's all. They constantly cause serious damage to property if they can gain access, especially at this time of year when they are looking to hibernate.



IMO the RSPCA are abusing the new legislation to their own ends.

"Under the 2006 Animal Welfare Act, once an animal is under the responsibility of a human they have a duty not to cause unnecessary harm. ‘Pests’ like the grey squirrel can be killed in a ‘humane way’, such as a blow to the back of the head or shooting, but drowning or beating the animal to death is illegal"


"once an animal is under the responsibility of a human"

IMHO this implies you get the chance to actually get hold of the animal, so if other methods are used, technically the "animal" is not under "your responsibility".


Grey Squirrels are Vermin and up until this 2006 change in legislation many have been exterminated annually. But shooting in a home environment is OBVIOUSLY not practical & has anyone tried to get near enough to hit one on the head ??????????????????




Just ask any Gamekeeper what action he takes. (or maybe best not now *-) *-) )


What next, RSPCA stop us killing Rats and we get totally overrun, not just one within the reported 5 metres.



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Hi Big momma

Sorry to hear that you have been under attack from our special little grey fury friends.

I have not had them around my van yet but had them trying to get in my loft, and I have to say you should expect a return visit from them if you don’t take action.


I can tell you the traps work very well bated with a snicker.


And I think you will find that you can legally kill them yourself after you have caught it but it should be with a blow to the head or be shot.





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dawki - 2010-11-04 11:23 PM


Hi Big momma

Sorry to hear that you have been under attack from our special little grey fury friends.

I have not had them around my van yet but had them trying to get in my loft, and I have to say you should expect a return visit from them if you don’t take action.


I can tell you the traps work very well bated with a snicker.


And I think you will find that you can legally kill them yourself after you have caught it but it should be with a blow to the head or be shot.





Can I give it a good kick up the A**E first >:-)

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My first experiance of squizzer problems was back in the days that I lived in caravan whilst working away, twice the gas pipes where bitten trou, I had to use armour flex to stop them.

If they should present themselves in a 'safe' part of the garden they recieve a lump of lead .22 dia.

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dawki - 2010-11-05 12:06 AM


So how long before somebody on the forum tells us what lovely little creatures they are and not really doing any harm?





well I think the red ones are lovely,



pigeons = rats with wings

squirrels [grey] = rats with fluffy tails


anyone found feeding them should be shot


[same goes for cat owners who let their little darlings run free to s**t on my lawn]



:D :D

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Guest pelmetman

We know only too well what damage squirrels can do.


Earlier on this year we took my Mum home after staying with us for a few weeks. At first we thought she had been burgled as the room was in such a mess. It had actually chewed the window frame to such an extent, (obviously trying to get out) that she had to have a whole new window, her beautiful curtains and pelmet that Dave had made were torn and virtually every ornament etc was on the floor.


We don't know how long he had been inside but had obviously come down the chimney but couldn't get back up. The squirrel was still alive and Dave opened all the windows and out he went.


Mum has now had netting guards put on top of the chimney to stop it happening again.


The annoying part was when Mum tried to claim on her insurance they wouldn't pay a penny as they said the policy wasn't covered by squirrel damage. The window alone cost her £800 to replace besides the other damage.





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duffers - 2010-11-05 10:08 AM


well I think the red ones are lovely,


pigeons = rats with wings

squirrels [grey] = rats with fluffy tails


anyone found feeding them should be shot


[same goes for cat owners who let their little darlings run free to s**t on my lawn]


:D :D


Red Squirrels are an indigenous species that has also suffered greatly due to the illegal introduction of Greys immigrants.


Pigeons (& Collared Doves) many again are immigrants, but more difficult to barrier the skyways. So we need to stop people feeding them.


Grey Squirrels - Contribution = Zero, Impact = massively detrimental. illegally introduced and should where/when possible be exterminated, together with Mink, Coypu, etc..

Children's "coo" or "Ahhhhh"isn't a valid reason to let them expand at such an alarming rate.

I remember as a child, I only saw them very occasionally in woodland, now they are seen daily anywhere.


Cat owners - You get my vote Duffers.

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bob b - 2010-11-05 9:45 AM

Get some albas oil from the chemist and wipe it on the vunerable bits of the motorhome. One sniff of that and they'll be off like a rocket. It worked for me when the blighters nibbled me nuts!




Does this work on mice?

Each time we park our vehicles we have to put mouse traps into the engine compartment as the mice love to get into the lovely warm space!

I hate having to kill these creatures but we feel that there is really no choice.  If they were house mice I wouldn't really bother about it but these are field mice and I love the blighters but I'm afraid the damage was just getting out of hand.


They call it 'aversion therapy'.

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All those in favour of eradication, say AYE.


Appears we are in good company.


"Prince Charles’ call for a cull of grey squirrels in Cornwall has prompted animal protection groups to describe him as ‘a man who doesn’t let his education get in the way of his ignorance’. Animal Aid and Viva! believe that the Prince’s campaign to eradicate grey squirrels – through poisoning, shooting or bludgeoning them to death in a sack – is ‘irrational, inhumane and doomed to fail’, and have called for everyone who opposes animal cruelty to boycott the Prince’s Duchy Originals range of products in protest."


Animal Aid and Viva - get a life, they're vermin.



Appears I was wrong, the little blighters do have a use. :D :D :D

"The Crouch End, North London branch of Budgens has said that they will not budge on their decision to sell squirrel meat"




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Where I work I often see squirrels during the day, only this morning one was bobbing about outside my office window, very cute it looked to but looks can be deceiving.


We haven't had squirrels in the attic, but we've had the next worst thing - rats - and what a bl**dy nuisance they are too! It has taken us years to get shot of the fl*ming things and find all the places where they were getting in, I think we've finally cracked it as I haven't heard one for ages (I really, really hope I don't regret saying that! *-) ).


Because of the squirrels and rats we can't put food out for the birds now which is a shame as we used to get loads of beautiful ones. :-(

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Madmaggott - 2010-11-05 6:03 PM
bob b - 2010-11-05 9:45 AM

Get some albas oil from the chemist and wipe it on the vunerable bits of the motorhome. One sniff of that and they'll be off like a rocket. It worked for me when the blighters nibbled me nuts!




Does this work on mice?

Each time we park our vehicles we have to put mouse traps into the engine compartment as the mice love to get into the lovely warm space!

I hate having to kill these creatures but we feel that there is really no choice.  If they were house mice I wouldn't really bother about it but these are field mice and I love the blighters but I'm afraid the damage was just getting out of hand.


They call it 'aversion therapy'.

It should work very well on mice. I'd sprinkle the albas oil on teabags and place them in the engine bay. You'll have to re-sprinkle from time to time as the oil evaporates. Worth a shot in my opinion (which I respect).

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