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Some years ago, I read an article that listed a number of recommended garages for servicing motorhomes. In the list was BT (yes, the telephone company). Apparently BT Fleet has diversified from just maintaining its own vehicles to many other companies’ vehicles from cars to light vans and HGVs, they also service and repair private vehicles. All work is covered by a 12 month or 12,000 mile warranty and they have a network of over 500 garages.


For the past 4 years I have had my car and motorhome serviced and MOT’d by BT. The service cost less than halve of the dealer network garage and did not invalidate the warranty as they are VAT registered.




I cannot recommended them highly enough and, no, I do not work for BT.


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My 5 ton MAM van is tested at the Gateshead Transport depot. So phone your local Council for details.


If Gateshead is not too far for you, there is a heavy recovery company called Hoddys. They do my servicing and repairs and are used to the odd motorhome and horse box apart from the HGV`s. They are just down the road from the Council depot and actually get the overspill work from Gateshead Council. You might even be able to get them to do a pre MOT check and for them to take it for its test.

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johnnerontheroad - 2010-11-07 2:20 PM


Durham council do my 28ft M/H at meadowfield near durham,




MOT Testing at Annfield Plain (Morrison Road) Depot of Durham County Council. They do all the council vehicles and busses. In many cases it is height that limits access rather than length or weight for test stations.


I can just get my Hymer S700 into North Road Garage, Catchgate. Its Bi-annual service and MOT is being done there on Tuesday.

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Hi all. Not exactly in the north east, but for anybody in the midlands, I can recommend D&R Services, Unit 3 Spring Hill Industrial Park, Arley, Coventry, CV7 8HN tel. 01676 541569. (opp JACKSON'S of Arley) They MOT'd both my MH's without querying the size, I have noticed very large vehicles parked there, maybe worth a phone call if you have a large one. :-D

Brian B.

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