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Sheared pinion on omnistor step motor


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Anyone else had this problem. The pinion from the motor to the step - effectively transferring the motor's energy to release/contract the step has sheared.


The omnistor pinion for my motor is 1cm to short for my Hymer a-class on an 05 plate. Hymer UK tell me they cannot source a new pinion and I need a new step and motor. Rose Awnings say it is the right part for the motor and it must be a Hymer created problem for using no standard parts.

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Most if not all step motors are merely automotive window motors, the motor on our Hymer 534 step has failed, it's the single step type that folds in and forms part of the "skirt" on the side of the van.

New one from Hymer was £400. New one from Bosch dealer was £230. Second hand one from a 200 series Discovery (front nearside, because the cog sizes are different front and back)was £15. If you take it off and look through the "window motor" section on ebay, you will find the one you need.

It will either be a Bosch or Brose motor, and you can find the part number on the side of the motor body, most sellers will be happy enough to confirm the details for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you all. John Rose found the solution after much head scratching. It seems the step is made under licence by Omnistor for Hymer (thanks to Peter Hambilton for this advice) and John tracked down the right sized pinion. I've posted separately about John's efforts.
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