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Remoska cooker


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Hi everyone, I just wondered if any of you had first hand experience of the Remoska oven that Lakeland Plastics do. http://www.remoska.co.uk/

It's supposed to be fabulous for cooking all sorts of things when you are away including roasting potatoes, jackets, casseroles etc etc. I only have a 2 burner hob in the van and no room for microwave and I have thought perhaps about having one of these, however, as usual doing research I have found good and bad reviews.


Please could you give me an opinion


thanks K

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It is fine, but it is slow, so if you want instant food, forget it!  It is also low wattage, so unlikely to trip any campsite supply.  Excellent for jacket spuds, does sweet potato to a turn, and will, in fact cook almost anything that would normally be fried, grilled, or roasted: meat, even small joints, small chicken (poussin), chops, cutlets etc.  You can use it to make stews, but it is all top heat, so tends to "skin" the tops of liquids.  You can even do omelettes - after a fashion!  It will warm croissants, pains au chocolat, pains aux raisins etc, and revive other breads if you just sprinkle a few drips of water onto the bread first.  Very versatile, but you have to develop your own technique.  Lots of recipes on the 'net.

Only drawback is time.  It is not a slow cooker, so you can't go out for the day leaving it on, but expect it to take an hour, more or less, to do any serious cooking.  Needless to say, it requires a 230V supply, and would require a very large battery bank to run via an inverter!  Mains only, methinks.

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Mel B - 2010-11-09 6:35 PM


At the risk of becoming boring ... look at the 'double skillet' ... much more versatile and does the same things that the Remoska does but can be used on the gas hob too.




Google links


at the risk of being every bit as boring,

try the double skillet, do not be put off by the price which does appear to be completely over the top

remember - you get what you pay for

we've had ours for at least 12 years,

wonder if anyone's got anything like that service from any of the other gadgets that abound


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Other pieces of kit to consider are a 3 section steamer pan, or a pressure cooker - both good pieces of kit and let you cook the veggies in them whilst you do the meat in another, however with the double skillet you can do it all in the 2 skillets (one on top of the other) on one gas ring.
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