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uk Health prescriptions


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Brian Kirby - 2010-11-14 6:45 PM
Klyne - 2010-11-13 10:47 PM ......... Full article here http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/tough-new-rules-to-stop-health-tourists-757871.html It was dated 2003 and I assume is still in place? David

Don't know David.  The article says it was to be introduced, not that it had already been introduced.  I had previously read somewhere (I think in the NHS website) about this three months limit, and I can't even find that now!  Still less can I find any reference to six months.  I remember it was stated that an absence from your usual home (even if still within UK!), for longer than 3 months, would result in automatic de-registration from your usual GP.  Logically, that would mean that if you told him you proposed going away for longer than 3 months, he would be obliged to take you off his register, and therefore could not prescribe drugs sufficient for a longer period.  But can I now find it?? Can I hell!  :-(  Anyone know where it is?

Hi Brian,If you need regular medication for a stable long-term health condition, your GP may officially prescribe a maximum supply of three months. I know some GP's will do more. See http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/1755.aspx?CategoryID=73&SubCategoryID=105See also extended holidays http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Healthcare/Entitlementsandcharges/OverseasVisitors/Browsable/DH_074386Good bed time reading.Don
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BGD - 2010-11-14 7:05 PM


sshortcircuit - 2010-11-13 10:16 PM


How do expats who are resident in Spain, but not yet Spanish residents, get drugs (Medication)? Do they have to buy them?





Yes, they have to buy them.


Everyone in Spain has to buy their medications.......all over-the-counter or Doctor prescribed medications have to be paid for by the user.

Only in-patient medications are not subject to user payment.


Being "resident" in Spain (ie "resident for tax purposes") makes no difference at all.


Only if you are a member of the Spanish NHS system (ie you are paying in to the Spanish Social Security system and thus have a "SIP" number and SIP card, do you get a good discount on the "retail" price of the drugs at a chemists here in Spain. But you still pay for them.


Having said that, gut feeling is that they seem a lot cheaper here than in the UK.........but I don't have any specific comparisons that can demonstrate that point scientifically.



So all this about getting months of medication to take abroad is unnecessary as they can be bought over the counter in Spain?

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Guest pelmetman
Klyne - 2010-11-13 6:56 PM
Brian Kirby - 2010-11-13 4:39 PM

The technical problem is that if you leave UK for more than 3 months, under NHS rules, you are deemed automatically de-registered from your doctor. 

BrianI seem to recall that it is 6 months if you are of retirement age.David
Thats my problem I am only a toy boy of 52 (lol) (lol)
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Don Madge - 2010-11-14 8:27 PM Hi Brian, If you need regular medication for a stable long-term health condition, your GP may officially prescribe a maximum supply of three months. I know some GP's will do more. See http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/1755.aspx?CategoryID=73&SubCategoryID=105 See also extended holidays http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Healthcare/Entitlementsandcharges/OverseasVisitors/Browsable/DH_074386 Good bed time reading. Don

Well, thank you Mr Madge, those are the fellas!  I knew I'd read it somewhere. 

The bonus is that on the next page, here http://tinyurl.com/257bb9w is the bit about the exemption, under certain conditions, for absences of 6 months - so thank you again Mr Madge!  :-)

Unfortunately, not very favourable for what David (Klyne) posted from the Indy.  Looks like another of those Labour announcements that was trumpeted (softly), and then either dropped or heavily watered!  :-(

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For the last few years I have found it easier for my local pharmacy to collect my repeat prescriptions , rather than call the Doctors surgery where I have to wrangle with the rottweilers, otherwise known as receptionists, (no disrespect to rottweilers, ) to get anything. The doctor will always give 2 months supply, particularly if you tell him of your plans. If you also have a word with your pharmacist and tell him the situation, he will probably be able to provide an additional months supply from his own stock, which he will then offset against your next repeat prescription.I usually have 8 weeks supply over and above the tablets needed to see me through to the end of the month. I have done this since I stayed away longer than expected and ran out of metformin, however the local pharmacist was quite happy to give me a few tablets FOC to keep me going until I got home- but she did give me a lecture about bringing enough in future.


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Not long back,at my doctors in Somerset you could ring up for a repeat prescription.


No longer,you have to either go to the surgery OR use the new online

web site set up by the Somerset health authority, for a repeat prescription.


Which I use now, so easy.

you can double up with no problem.


Try a search for your local health authority web site, it may be offering the same service.



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