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Route to Gibralta via Portugal


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I am thinking of driving down to Gibralta in January entering Spain at Irun from the French coast. I have never travelled this side of Spain or Portugal before and would appreciate any tips from the more experienced among you. Ie, the best way to see Gib. Best places to fill up and overnight stops.Cost of motorways in Spain and Portugal.

I would prefer to avoid big cities and stay at aires and the odd campsite seeing both the countryside and the coast depending on route.

The time to drive would not matter as I would have about 3 months for the return trip, this being by a different route back to France.



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We went to Gib in June, also very busy and crowded. Fuel very cheap, can pay in £. We paid 84p a ltr. You have to cross the runway to get in, so if a plane comes in the gates have to close!!Which is why we had a long queue

The Spainish customs/police, we though very officious, and check you out as well as in. Not sure if there is anywere to stay in van., it is just a big rock!Good place to go is El Rocio it is in the ACSI book, very interesting, good little camp site, and walking distance to the town I thought it was worth the visit, and would go again, lots of bird watching at the lake


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Hi, If you are going into Spain in January, it might be best to enter on any route avoiding a mountainous area! There can be a lot of snow to contend with. We met some people last January who had gone over the Picos D' Europe with two German vans and had to come down the roads in nothing higher than 1st gear. they said it was the most terrifying ride in a motorhome ever! We've done it going from France over on the Eastern border and travelled into Spain either on the toll roads for the first 50 miles or so, or via the coast road with no tolls. I would say this would be best because you go through several picturesque towns and villages and there are places to stop off, either o/night or just for lunch.


From there take your pick to get to Gib.


When there you can go onto Gib in your van, but can't overnight and it is packed and the roads are very narrow so best not! Unless doing a big shop at Morrisons! If you park up at Europa Point you can walk across. Or there is a site at La Linea, (Camping Europa), which is quite decent and you can get a bus to the border and walk across. From there you can get a taxi tour of the island for about 50 quid, but haggle! They take you right round the island and up the rock, (OO er missus! :-D ) The fee includes entry to all the museums and is well worth it.


Apart from that Gib is an untidy mess of narrow streets and blocks of flats and if it wasn't for the novelty value we thought it had nothing special to tempt us back. But you shouldn't let that, or any other negative reports of anywhere you might consider going to on your trip put you off. Everyone has a differing idea or opinion and these are just mine!

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Cant help with route but for your information do not even consider trying to get out of gib late aftrenoon (5 pm ish) it can take hours to cross the border and you will more than likely get searched by the spanish border control.

On the up side its worth the trip up the rock just so you can say you have done it (bit like monte carlo really when you have been you have been) and the cigs, booze and jewelery etc are very very cheep.

The place itself reminds me of york or chester but without the extortianate costs.


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Dave, I considered this route and it looks good value at the promotional price. Decided against it because of the time of year. In summer it sounds a good crossing. Thanks.


IPS, It sounds like a good idea to have supper there, or do they lock the gates to make you spend more? cheers



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Guest Peter James
Tomo3090 - 2010-11-14 5:48 PM


When there you can go onto Gib in your van, but can't overnight and it is packed and the roads are very narrow so best not! Unless doing a big shop at Morrisons! If you park up at Europa Point you can walk across. Or there is a site at La Linea, (Camping Europa), which is quite decent and you can get a bus to the border and walk across.


I think I have been on every road and street in Gibraltar.

You must be confusing Europa Point with La Linea.

Europa Point is the southern tip of Gibraltar. It is the only place in Gibraltar I have ever seen Motorhomes staying overnight, even then there was only a couple of smallish ones and I don't think it is officially allowed. The only other place I have seen Motorhomes parked is Morrisons car park (free but max 3 hours) (I took a plain (stealth) camper van and parked on the street.)

You can walk up the rock for 50p. You can drive part way up but I would not attempt it with anything bigger than an average sized car.

I found Gibraltar very overcrowded, noisy and expensive apart from the diesel which is probably the cheapest in Europe. Parking is generally free, but there is a dire shortage of spaces, and everything bigger than a normal sized car seems to be prohibited. This situation is not helped by the presence of thousands of parked white Toyota Land Cruisers which they import and export as one of their tax fiddles.

The only thing really worth seeing was the views from the rock. But there are equally spectacular views along the Spanish section of the coast.

I am thoroughly English, but was left wishing Britain would give Gibraltar back to the Spanish. That would certainly make it far better for motorhomers to visit, and less of a burden on the long suffering British Taxpayer.

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Guest pelmetman

I was based on Gib for 2 and a half years in the mid to late 70's :D


When I was there the border was closed, but it is worth a trip, and as mentioned before the roads in the town are quite narrow.


Places of interest.


Europa Point where you can see Morrocco, there are lots of tunnels in the Rock, one which goes right through from one side to the other, it used have the Naval Comcen in the middle, not sure if its open to the public now the Navy has left :D


The East side of the Rock used to be covered in sheets of corrugated iron to collect the rainwater, because the Spannish would not supply Gib, so they had to have a independant supply.


Best beach was on the East side Catalan Bay.


If you go up the Rock beware the Apes 8-) they will nick anything and be vicious with it (lol)


It was quite surreal when I was first out there to see British telephone box's, Marks & Spencers, etc etc.


If you like your Naval History there is lots to see :-D

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ips - 2010-11-17 11:51 AM

The place itself reminds me of york or chester but without the extortianate costs.



We have only been once and would never go again. We went in a Discovery and did do the Rock, very dissappointed, the charge at that time was £7 per person. The Town itself was dirty and needed a lot of money invested in it. I would never compare it with York or Chester, they are beautiful Cities which we have been to many times.



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Wouldn't argue with you Peter! The place I was refering to was the car park/open ground just to the left ot Gib, as you look at it. It's a really big space and several vans and trucks were parked up there. I just remember a sign with that on it, but it could very well have been an advert or similar.
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Guest Peter James
Tomo3090 - 2010-11-21 3:54 PM


Wouldn't argue with you Peter! The place I was reffering to was the car park/open ground just to the left ot Gib, as you look at it. It's a really big space and several vans and trucks were parked up there. I just remember a sign with that on it, but it could very well have been an advert or similar.

I know where you mean yes. I think that must be part of La Linea. I spent 4 nights parked on a street in Gibraltar in my stealth camper, then spent a night on the place you mention on my way out in January this year. It was very windswept and muddy, but otherwise seemed ok, lots of motorhomes and lorries parked on there, but still lots of spare room. I don't know whether it would be safe to leave a motorhome there unattended. I generally prefer to leave the van in a residential area so a thief wouldn't know if the vehicle owner was watching him from his house.


My general feeling is Gibraltar is more trouble than it is worth. I wouldn't bother with it again, even with the benefit of a stealth camper. Nevertheless, the view from the Rock is breathtaking, and its nice to see it once.

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This is a trip we have done many times although in winter I think sites are better and safer than aires and wild camping. We go through the tunnel then down through France to the same point of entry as you intend to use. We use a site just before the border at Urrugne very near to St Jean de Luz called Larrouleta. Good site in winter cheap enough. As an alternative when you go over the bridge which used to be the border post at Irun there is a car park on the left you will see a few vans parked there over night. It is a good and safe spot with bars and cafes close by. from there head for Salamanca a good days drive.(about 300 miles) Look in your books for a site called Hotel Regio just outside. (you do not have to go through the city) OK for an overnight stop and you can get a meal in the Hotel if you want. Next day into portugal head for Evora(about 200 miles) interesting town with a site within walking distance called "Orbitur" its in the books. From there you can make any spot on the Algarve in a short days drive or you can hit the west coast below Lisbon and drift south. When you move into spain there is a good spot to visit called Conil de la Frontera with a site called Camping La Rosaleda. From there you can drift down the coast to Gib. I would suggest that you get the Camping club Winter sun brochure and take a look then book or not either way it is usefull.
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Guest Peter James

Problem is there are no campsites on Gibraltar. I read on a website there is no motorhome parking allowed anywhere on Gibraltar. But I did see some parked at Europa Point, the southernmost tip of Gibraltar. Also Morrison's car park (max 3 hours)


PS: The brick building in the picture appeared to be a cafe that was closed and boarded up. (January 2010)


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