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Stop the world I want to get off


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There are times that I think to myself that I would love to buy a shack up in the hills far from the madding crowd accessible only by a four wheel drive landrover, occupying my time by pottering about in a veggie patch and cutting logs for the woodburning stove with no one around to annoy and irritate me.

But people won't let you do that will they? they want you to conform to what they think is right, one of my grandkids said to me the other week, hey grandad, what was it like in the olden days!!! I said to him as far as I am concerned they were better than today, I have many fond memories from being a kid, camping in an old leaky tent, sailing down the river on a raft that we had cobbled together, fettling up old bikes out of bits and pieces, conker fights, playing marbles in the streets and collecting bonfire wood, making bow and arrows and catapults and going to the saturday morning pictures at the local bug hut, nah I prefer my days as a kid.

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My sentiments entirely although being dragged up by the seat of my pants I had a great time growing up falling in dykes grazed knee's the odd trip to A&E for a stitch repair to bad cuts would I do it again you bet your life I would having lived through the 1950's / 60's I feel it was a great education into adulthood.
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My grandkids do nothing but sit in front of the TV and play with them electronic gizmo's, they never get dirty, never go down in the woods at the back of our house, never climb tree's, never make dens.

What will they say when their grandkids ask what did you do when you were a kid, all they will be able to say is i sat in front of the TV playing games!!!

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Totally agree, I also raised in 50/60s and learned a lot as the farm was next to us in country, we knew all the types of trees, made tree swings, went fishing , guddled for fish, walked the local hills and listened to the older men. Up in Glencoe last week I had to stop motorhome and speak to nice gentelman driving a restored but working Fordson Dexter, my local farm had a Fordson Major for driving the Big Mill! A David Brown and Ferguson Tractor. When taking in the corn the farmers Mother came out to field with the food but she brought along bottles of water which had about an inch of raw barley in bottom of each bottle, the farmers would shake it which made it cloudy before drinking! :D
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An ex work mate and I were talking one day about what it was like when we were kids.


"You went through a field gate and there were a Thousand adventures waiting"


Im glad I grew up in the 50s, Aire Rifles, Catapults, Pop guns made from Elder firing acorns, Bangers in bottles or dinky toys, dens, camping out in the local wood with a real fire, long cycle rides especialy cycling 10 miles to the nearest beach, swimming in the river when we got bored of fishing,Oh what fun we had!!!

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camping with a real wood fire, memories, sat in front of the fire till midnight telling tall stories, eyes red ringed and clothes stinking of smoke.

And smoking woodbines and jumping six foot in the air when an owl started hooting, the thing is, it didn't cost a penny did it? all good fun.

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knight of the road - 2010-11-15 9:36 AM


My grandkids do nothing but sit in front of the TV and play with them electronic gizmo's, they never get dirty, never go down in the woods at the back of our house, never climb tree's, never make dens.

What will they say when their grandkids ask what did you do when you were a kid, all they will be able to say is i sat in front of the TV playing games!!!


And what do we do now, we use one of those Gismo's to have a good old moan to one another about the good old days or to pass on words of advice to others who we have never met and often live at opposites end s of the country, some even abroad and on travels. So perhaps not everything in these days is bad :D :D :D

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knight of the road - 2010-11-15 12:59 AM


There are times that I think to myself that I would love to buy a shack up in the hills far from the madding crowd accessible only by a four wheel drive landrover,


Hey, Burnley's only a few miles up the road from you and that fits the bill!

:D :D


(Only joking! We lived there for 5 years in the 70s - but only because we could buy a 2-bedroom house for £2400!)

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Tony Jones - 2010-11-16 10:14 AM


knight of the road - 2010-11-15 12:59 AM


There are times that I think to myself that I would love to buy a shack up in the hills far from the madding crowd accessible only by a four wheel drive landrover,


Hey, Burnley's only a few miles up the road from you and that fits the bill!

:D :D


(Only joking! We lived there for 5 years in the 70s - but only because we could buy a 2-bedroom house for £2400!)

Trouble with Burnley is that I dont speak the lingo (?)

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Alternative ‘not so good’ memories of being a kid ...


Freezing house and having to huddle in front of the fire with one side of me 'cooking' and the other stone cold.


Ice on the inside of the windows.


Having to share baths or have cold ones as too expensive to heat water up with the electric immersion if the coal fire didn't do the job.


Washing hair in cold water in the middle of winter.


Having to clean out the coal fire and get it going each morning ... blooming freezing!!!


No carpets on the floor, just odd rugs.


Having to cycle to school over 6 miles each way in the middle of winter, not being able to feel hands or feet and then having the horrible sensation and pain when they were ‘warming’ up, with numerous chilblains and blisters.


Having to wear ’hand-me-downs’ from brothers and sisters, or donated clothing from neighbours, not having shoes that fitted properly as too expensive and getting clothes from jumble sales.


Yeah ... being a kid was always great!!! *-)


One of the better memories ... getting Lego as a present one year and winning competitions to get even more!!!!


Saving up pocket money to buy a brand new bike and a second hand guitar.


Playing 'Star Trek' and having an old cassettee reel-to-reel recorder microphone which a flip up piece just like Captain Kirk and Mr Spock!!!



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I can say dito to all of that Mel :-D except I never had pocket money to save or a birthday card or present!


I went potato picking (which I loved) because I was rich at the end of the day even though I went straight home and handed it over to Mam ;-) and she would give me the 3s11p to go and et a pair of jeans from the Army and Navy stores!! which we would sit in the bath with them on to shrink. :-D


The only time I have had a bed to myself is when in Hospital as a child with Scarlet fever ! or when in Hospital having children or ops. *-)


I loved the Compendium of Games I always got for Christmas :-D and still to this day my O.H. wont play me at draughts as I thrash him!!


Climbing tree,s and swinging on the tarzy rope (yes I was a tomboy)

I dont know how that happened with 5 sisters and two brothers.


But you know what I never said I was bored (lol) probably because I would have had a clip around the ear if I had!!


I can look back at my childhood and say I HAD ONE these days at age 11 the children think they are adults! but is it their fault? its that box in the corner that never seems to be switched off!!

It annoys me to death when I visit my family !! apart from the electricity it is wasting the damned thing never gets switched off.


And in answer to what the thread started out as Yes I would love to disappear to the back of beyond No Shopping NO Christmas presents to buy no Newspapers or television just a box full of books a box of Wine and a big log fire :-S Oh Dream On. ;-)

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Mel B - 2010-11-16 9:03 PM


Alternative ‘not so good’ memories of being a kid ...


Freezing house and having to huddle in front of the fire with one side of me 'cooking' and the other stone cold.


Ice on the inside of the windows.


Having to share baths or have cold ones as too expensive to heat water up with the electric immersion if the coal fire didn't do the job.


Washing hair in cold water in the middle of winter.


Having to clean out the coal fire and get it going each morning ... blooming freezing!!!


No carpets on the floor, just odd rugs.


Having to cycle to school over 6 miles each way in the middle of winter, not being able to feel hands or feet and then having the horrible sensation and pain when they were ‘warming’ up, with numerous chilblains and blisters.


Having to wear ’hand-me-downs’ from brothers and sisters, or donated clothing from neighbours, not having shoes that fitted properly as too expensive and getting clothes from jumble sales.


Yeah ... being a kid was always great!!! *-)


One of the better memories ... getting Lego as a present one year and winning competitions to get even more!!!!


Saving up pocket money to buy a brand new bike and a second hand guitar.


Playing 'Star Trek' and having an old cassettee reel-to-reel recorder microphone which a flip up piece just like Captain Kirk and Mr Spock!!!


I can identify with everything that you say Mel, it hit home when many years ago one of my kids said " Dad are we poor" my reply was "yes, as poor as a church yard mouse"

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flicka - 2010-11-16 10:56 PM



Did you forget one.

Worst of all was having to run 25yards down the garden to the outside loo with snow on the ground & frost on the seat.

Then the newspaper squares had also frozen.


Wonder why I have piles :D :D

Running down the yard to the loo in the depths of winter only to find that you couldn't get in due to the water supply pipe to the cistern had burst in the frost, happy days (?)

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Now we must have been posh as our loo was just outside the kitchen door in our ICI house. BUT when I got married we had the yard one and the burst pipes and water running into the yard despite my hubbies flying jacket that he wore on his motorbike when we were courting.
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knight of the road - 2010-11-17 1:30 PM


flicka - 2010-11-16 10:56 PM



Did you forget one.

Worst of all was having to run 25yards down the garden to the outside loo with snow on the ground & frost on the seat.

Then the newspaper squares had also frozen.


Wonder why I have piles :D :D

Running down the yard to the loo in the depths of winter only to find that you couldn't get in due to the water supply pipe to the cistern had burst in the frost, happy days (?)


Blimey, YOu had a cistern !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you think ours was 25yds down the garden :-S

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When I was serving my time as a plumber, the company I worked for used to do the maintenance work on old terraced houses round the Salford docks area.

One night some Jack the lad jumped over the back yard gates of about a dozen houses and cut the lead flush pipes off the toilets for a weigh in.

Early the following morning when the dockers got up and went down the yard for a pee and whatever in the pitch dark they got a soaking when they pulled the chain two gallons of freezing water splattered them, if those dockers had got hold of Jack the lad he would have ended up with dockers hooks hanging out of him, rather funny at the time.

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