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Help Please winter journey


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I know its short notice but could I please ask for help on travelling in winter conditions.


We are going to Lincolnshire in the next 24 hours or so for a few days to visit 91 year old relative, (only time we can go).

Our motorhome is not winterised. so is not equiped for very cold weather.


We will carry all our water inside in containers. No water in the tanks at all.

Toilet cassette will have Aqua Akem blue(with water) in it, and flushed with Aqua Kem pink(with water) from a sqeezy bottle.

We have 2 Propane gas bottles (orange).

It goes without saying we will take thick clothing and warm bedding, & inside window covers. Is there anything else we should do?


The weather forcast said it will be 0c temp at night with strong winds and just possibly heavy snow during day.


We have not camped out in these kind of conditions before so am a little worried what to expect, and want to make sure I have covered every possibility. We ourselves are in our late 60's/70's.

My husband says I am worrying too much, but I like to cover every angle, just in case. You never know what you could wake up to with the kind of weather we have, it changes so quickly.


You never know ,if we go well prepared the weather will more than likely be lovely.


Thank you



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Journey about 180 miles. Leaving late evening to avoid traffic, & stopping overnight (find a wide layby) on way to Lincolnshire and then travelling around area close to Bracebridge Heath. Wild camping for the couple of nights we are there, so no hookup.

Not a journey we would normally take this time of year, but have no choice.



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Guest pelmetman

When you say your not winterised, do you mean you dont have a gas fire either (?)


As for the weather heavy snow :D News to me! just had a look at the local bbc forcast for next week and the lowest temp is 3c at night :-S



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Kris - 2010-11-21 2:44 PM


Journey about 180 miles. Leaving late evening to avoid traffic, & stopping overnight (find a wide layby) on way to Lincolnshire and then travelling around area close to Bracebridge Heath. Wild camping for the couple of nights we are there, so no hookup.

Not a journey we would normally take this time of year, but have no choice.




There is a public park at Bracebridge Heath which has a camp site facility. Never used it so do not know rates or facilities but it is signposted and is literaly just off the main road. There are local shops and pubs within walking distance if you need supplies or a hot meal.

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Kris - 2010-11-21 2:44 PM


Wild camping for the couple of nights we are there, so no hookup.

When you are at your relatives, use a mains adaptor to allow your hookup lead to plug into their mains, using a long extension lead if required. Leave the heating on low (electric?) while you are not in the van (and overnight) to keep the temp up.



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Don't worry, you'll be OK.


We once hired a van in France by the Med and drove East in the dark. We stopped for the night on an Aire outside a (closed) campsite and in the morning we could understand why our night was so cold, the windows had ice on the inside and when we defosted them we could see... a glacier!


We were OK and the next night we left the heating on at its lowest setting - and, yes we were too warm.


It is sensible to prepare, but if you get it wrong, it is all part of the fun!



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Thank your for your quick replies.


We will check on that camp site at Bracebridge Heath when we get there.


Hook up is not possible because of where my Aunt lives, but thats no big problem as we never use hook up anyway, as the onboard batteries last till the next days travelling recharges them.


We do have heating, Trumatic 2400, which I know is pretty good, from the last motorhome we had, and once snuggled up under the duvents we wont be too cold anyway, its more things that might go wrong with the motorhome that worried me, but with plenty of water and food on board we shouldnt have any problems.


The snow warning was on the BBC (Lincolnshire) weather site, under more weather info but that changes ever 15 minutes, and has changed since I looked at it last. Still says possible snow, but doesnt look quite so cold as before. But then again it also says rain and sunny spells, a real mixture, So I guess we will just take pot luck with the weather, as we Brits always do anyway. As long as I'm warm and cozy I'm ok with it.


Having seen several hundred cars stuck in a heavy snow storm in our town last winter, and my daughter taking over 2 hours to walk home from a journey that takes 10 minutes by car, I did worry just a little.


I'm prepaired for anything , and thats the main thing.



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The nearest campsites I know, to Bracebridge Heath are:-

Hartsholme Park, 01522 873578

Whisby Garden Centre Caravan Club CL 01522 681720

& there is also a new(ish) site opened by Campers UK. 01522 697070


But as someone suggested, why not park at your relatives & hook-up to their electrics.

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You are worrying far to much it's not even cold yet & if you were to get stuck in a freak snow storm what better place to be snug in your camper with the gas heating on.


Just make sure you have full gas bottles.


We were using our van a week ago still with the summer 4.5 tog quilt & no heating at night plenty warm enough.



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Snow, in Linc's? no way. We're still walking around with Tee shirts on. But we are a hardy lot round here, cutting cabbages at 6am on a November morning. (the Poles, that is. The Brit's aren't that stupid).

Seriously though, you should be perfectly o/k it's not that cold.

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Thanks again everyone.

Hook up not possible due to where aunt is living .

But Im off to buy hubby and me snuggle blankets tomorrow, so along with a good book, a warm bed and a hot cup of tea what more can anyone ask. As I'm prepared for cold weather whats the likelyhood that its the warmest mid November for years.





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What has the present weather got to do with the future? Have some of you seen the nightime temperatures for that region as from tomorrow?

Saying that, if you are not using your tanks and have adequate heating there should be no problems on the camping side.



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