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Is 2011 good for second hand vehicles?


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I'l be interested on the results as I now need to dispose of our vehicle, once I've reregistered it into my name.


The reason is that we had considered taking more holidays using car + hotel or holiday apartments as we getting jaded.


However, before we had made a definite decision 'im indoors shuffled off both suddenly and unexpectedly on 16 November at approx. 13.10 in the living room. Despite vigorous effort by GPs, emergency crews etc he wouldn't come back. Certainly gave the neighbourhood something to wonder about although it has to be said that people have been very kind.


I'm getting on with things as he would have wanted and expected and the plans we had made for the future can be tweaked for one person but that will have to wait until I have laid him to rest (1 December, snow expected) and dealt with the legal niceties so sometime next year.


Perhaps I will consider a one man van or some such. Not a priority just yet.


I'm not sure how many of you we have met in passing but maybe some. I will certainly continue to visit the forum if only for the jokes.




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So sorry to hear this Julie, it must be so hard for you.

The only thing I'd add is that this isn't the moment to make big life-changing decisions. You need time to come to terms with your loss before you make any (other!) irreversible changes to your way of life.

Sorry if that sounds like someone's horoscope - it's just experience, having dealt at close quarters with many bereaved people.

Love and prayers


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Thanks to everyone for their kind words.


The deed is done and the snow held off although it was/is bitterly cold. Still he will be nice and warm in the crematorium.


Tony is quite right to say that no major decisions should be made at this time. I got through the last 2 weeks by setting a target of getting the funeral organised as perfectly as possible. I will now set another short term target to focus on. I suspect that to tie up all the loose ends will take me into mid next year.


One thing I have become aware of is that death is probably the last taboo and I do think it is time that it is kicked into touch. If only people could talk openly it would make the process easier to bear. It won't ease the pain but it would take away the sheer terror and panic of the first few hours/days.


I will now get off my soapbox.


Thanks guys.

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I've only just come across this thread Julie and would like to add my condolences.

From personal experience I know that it's a very bad time of the year to lose someone, not that any time is 'a good time'.


I think Tony is right when he advises that you take your time before making any big decisions about the future.





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Hi Julie


So sorry to hear of your loss, it is difficult to deal with at the best of times, but for it to happen so suddenly it must be extremely hard.


I think you are doing the right thing - setting small goals and tasks for yourself will keep you busy, not doing anything rash and taking your time to make decisions is the best thing, it is very easy to make a decision now whilst you are in your raw state, which you may regret later.


Take care




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