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Autotrail tracker

Pippa G

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Last weekend me and my other half went away in our motorhome. Hooked up Saturday afternoon everything was working fine, Hot water, heating, loo etc. Saturday night teperature plummeted to -17 degrees. Sunday morning no water coming out of taps no flush to loo. Came home had a heater under van for last 2 days and heating on inside the van as we presume everything is frozen, all outlets open but water check says tank is still 75% full. Please help how can we defrost the van. By the way tank is onboard.
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Hello Pippa ,

              Welcome to the forum, dont worry it wont be long before your inundated with suggestions,

I take it having an In/on board water tank and have managed to drain that down , if  not do so, then Make sure the 12volt water Pump it switched off on the control  Panel, then open all the taps and turn them to the hot water side, I would then try and trace the water pipes from the tank and the boiler, start at the Pump and follow the pipes to each of the taps useing a Hair dryer to try and thaw them switching the pump on sporadically to try and move any water But DONT run the Pump for more than a few seconds at a time or you will damage or burn it out , time consuming but it has worked for us.  good luck

PS, Don't run the onboard boiler while things are still frozen,it could pressurize having no outlet for the water . 

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Unless your van is under cover in a building, I think trying to heat from below unlikely to achieve much more than a growing bill.  Keeping some warmth inside the van will prevent most areas getting to below freezing.  It is probable (sorry, I don't know the ins and outs of the Tracker) that what is frozen is any waste/water pipes running beneath the van floor.  These are generally flexible and should not be damaged by freezing.  Pay attention to the pump, and if possible remove any filter (hopefully, some water will escape if still liquid) so that if it does freeze and crack the casing.  Also pay attention to taps, and leave them all open, with the supply to the pump switched off.  That should allow any ice to expand without damage, though keeping the van warmed should prevent freezing of taps.  That apart, I think you'll have to wait for warmer weather, or get the van into a heated space, before it will thaw fully.  If the grey water tank has frozen, you may have quite a wait!  Then, try to make sure all the water system drains as fully as possible, and try filling it to test for leaks or frost damage when we get a warmer spell.  Don't forget to drain down again as soon as you are satisfied.  Remember 0oC is the melting point of water: it has to go below 0oC for ice to form, so keeping the interior above 0oC should prevent any freezing inside the van.
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