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After doing my homework and searches on the Fiamma door locks I was ready to order a pack of three,then as a last throw I went onto another Motorhome Forum and searched For Fiamma door locks, which came up with someone having problems opening one of his lock as the slot in the Lock which takes the pin on the side of the key was sightly out of line and would not allow the key in, One of the replies was to file off the Pin on the side of the Key which the chap suggesting  it said he had done resulting in it being easier to open,  am I wrong in thinking that the key with the pin filed off, would/could  then open any other Fiamma lock of the same type,  I have also heard / read that you can open these locks with the end of a plastic Biro ,I would like to hear from those of you with these locks fitted what your experience is and if you would recommend these locks,  Thanks in advance,              Dennis

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Hi Dennis,


If I am thinking you mean the same ones as I have fitted, then they have the tubular security type key. I have one on the outside of the hab door and one on the garage door.


The only problems I have had is that they need a squirt of WD40 occasionally but are prone to freezing up very easily in this sort of weather. I had to use a cigarette lighter to heat the key and after a couple of heat treatments, I could open it.


The keys fit the lock without any problems.

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Hi Dennis, I did have the out of line bit happen to a customers van once while it was in the workshop, i can't remember now quite how we overcame it, I think I removed the whole lock assembly and stripped it down but not sure. I too have heard that these types of locks can be overcome with a biro and fag lighter so I tried it, lots of times and I couldn't get it to work so I reckon they're OK. Then again I'm not a nefarious type so perhaps I wentr to the wrong school :-S .



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I put a couple of these locks on the garage door of our Rimor as they could be easily pulled open with just the existing locks! We used them for 3 years and, apart from having a faulty one originally which was replaced by the supplier (as the outer section just twizzled round), they were fine and never jammed up etc, we did find, though, that the quality of the finish left something to be desired as after a couple of years one of them started to deteriorate a bit.


The only Fiamma locks I've heard of that could be opened by others were on the back boxes etc, when using the keys for their own boxes, as I don't think they are that secure. The locks used on the door locks though are of a different type completely and are more akin to the ones used for the 'U' cycle/motorcycle locks.

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Dave Newell - 2010-12-02 5:50 PM Hi Dennis, I did have the out of line bit happen to a customers van once while it was in the workshop, i can't remember now quite how we overcame it, I think I removed the whole lock assembly and stripped it down but not sure. I too have heard that these types of locks can be overcome with a biro and fag lighter so I tried it, lots of times and I couldn't get it to work so I reckon they're OK. Then again I'm not a nefarious type so perhaps I wentr to the wrong school :-S . D.

Thanks Dave ,if you couldnt get into it I,m sure the "Nefarious Type " couldnt , I feel more confident in buying them now,

Thanks Mel B  / Mickt I have heard that the paintwork doesn't stand up to much weathering so I would Spay over them again before fitting,I was more concerned about the lock themselve,s   Safe journey,s  Dennis

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Have these fitted and have no problems with locks themselves, although they have come loose on there piviots and its a case of removing and tightening.


In France this year had to remove lock from habitation door. The sun(???) and heat had expanded the door and it could not clear the lock. Not sure how to increase clearance as it would mean taking a bit out of the door frame, not what I want to do.

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Opening certain locks with the end of a pen seems to be a well-known ploy. If you GOOGLE on "locks biro", you'll pick up plenty of references.


There's a video-clip relating to it on



but I'd better warn you that, if you are offended by 'bad' language, you should avoid reading the follow-up comments!!

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Depends on what you main concern is, Dennis.  Theft of the van, or theft from the van.  I don't think the Fiamma locks would offer any sensible resistance against the van being stolen.  Resistance to break in seems to me to mainly amount to resistance to the opportunist thief.  Almost any lock the actually locks and looks convincing will do the job, because the thief will see the locks, note they are locked, and more likely just go elsewhere.  Talk to Dave Newell about mortice locks if you want some that work.  Alternatively, talk to these guys http://tinyurl.com/25yob8w They do a range of locks to fit most circumstances.  Not cheap, though.  Do consider how easy the windows are to break in through before spending too much on fancy locks.  There isn't much you can do about the windows, short of fitting bars, so making the doors impregnable at great expense is a bit of a waste of money, when the thief has an easy workaround!

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-12-03 7:04 AM Opening certain locks with the end of a pen seems to be a well-known ploy. If you GOOGLE on "locks biro", you'll pick up plenty of references. There's a video-clip relating to it on
but I'd better warn you that, if you are offended by 'bad' language, you should avoid reading the follow-up comments!!

Thanks Derek, opened my eyes wide that did, make,s me realise it is hard to keep the determined thief out may have to go the expensive way as Brian is showing me below, I'm Obliged to you,   Dennis

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Hi Brian, its a bit of both I think as Every time I look at the Habitation Door I realise how flimsy they are , My thinking was to fit something as a visible deterrent ,to the Hab door, the problem with the more expensive locks which are fitted on the inside of the door is they need a flat surface for mounting on (which I dont have) and they only have another Key hole visible as a deterrent and are still suspect to the crow bar assault,I know I couldnt keep out the determined Thief,as you say the windows are the most easy of access to gain entry through yet cheaper to replace than a Habitation door., just wanting something to make them think twice when were away from the M/H, When I,m in the M/H I have a surprise for any intruder. now more searching I Think,  Thanks very much Brian your comments as always Appreciated,    Dennis
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