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Change of traffic laws 1/1/2011


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There's an earlier forum thread about this:




The regulation-changes regarding pedestrians have been in force since mid-November and there's a useful (French) article about them on:




My understanding is that the pedestrian priority rules apply only within an urban environment.


If you are barreling down the N12 near Morlaix at 110km/h and someone walking 50 metres away deliberately steps out into the road in front of you, you have the same right to knock him/her down as in the Good Old Days.

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whisturx - 2010-12-06 4:34 PM


Does that mean that French motorists will have to stop at pedestrian crossings ??? That I've got to see!!!


You've not been to France for a while then Ian?


We are still recovering from the shock of our last trip yes they really do stop at pedestrian crossing now, has to be seen to be believed. A few even stopped when there was no crossing.


We were very taken aback by it all, at first thought they letting us on to the crossing to line us up in their sights to have a run at us.



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fred grant - 2010-12-06 7:15 PM


good old days????


steady on derk, it cood be u under the influence of a little drop of the red stuff next time my biddy.




Like what I'vee seen in the good ol' days - Lunch time in an Aire, lorry driver eats baguette drinks complete bottle of red plonk gets into cab of 40 Tonne artic & drives off.


Best to stay off French roads between 2 - 5 pm.



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Spent 6 weeks in Canada earlier in the year, and pedestrians and, it seems, wild animals have priority there! One odd things though was that at al lintersections , NO vehicles had priority, .....all had to stop, then first arrival, first departure, as long as there were no pedestrians crossing!

Seemed to work though, and I found driving over there very relaxed....bit like the locals there really.!

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