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Croatia/ Greece


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Just to be aware that if you go to the one, and then decide you'd prefer to be in the other, you will have an extremely long road journey via Hungary, Roumania, and Bulgaria, or will have to take a ferry across the Adriatic to Italy from the one, and then another back across the Adriatic to whichever country is the other.  You can't get directly from Croatia to Greece via Albania and Montenegro on UK insurance.

Also, if you want to go to Dubrovnik, check whether your insurance will cover you for the Neum corridor, which is a bit of Bosnia that intersects the coast road and which many UK insurers won't cover.  You can get round it by taking a ferry from Ploce to Trpanj, to get to the Peljesac peninsula, and then drive down that to Dubrovnik.  The ferry takes motorhomes, but can be disrupted by high water when the Bora is blowing.

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