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Always take two cards.


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OK I'll spell it out. In Porto recently I tried twice to draw 200euros on my Caxton card. Got service not availiable message both times.

Next day balance down 400euros. No cash in hand, no cash in account. Took a week to get it back. Hiccup with Mastercard. apparently. Fortunatly had Visa card and stack of cash so no hardship.

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Yes, I agree. We always take one credit card, one bank current account debit card and two Nationwide cards – the Nationwide being where most of our ‘travelling money’ is stashed. Obviously they are each kept in a different location. Definitely don’t want to be on the Continent without access to cash. :-D


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Both of us always have several cards each.


A point worth noting you can't use UK cards in ING cash points in Belgium but they work fine in Holland. It's caught us out a few times especially as ING appears to be the most popular bank in Belgium usually the only cash point in a shopping centre.



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One thing to remember though, is that if you have 2 cards on each account, one of you should have both card for that account, for example Nationwide credit cards with Mr Bloggs, Halifax credit cards with Mrs Bloggs, that way if Mr Bloggs loses his wallet (or has it nicked) and it is therefore reported to the company, they will put a stop on BOTH cards, however as Mrs Bloggs still has the 2 Halifax cards, you still have a way of getting dosh if you need it. If you don't do this and Mr Bloggs had a card for each account in his wallet and it got nicked, you'd have to put a stop on ALL the account cards so you'd be stuffed.
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We use Caxton cards, but to allow for loss or problems with the MasterCard network I also take a debit card and a Visa credit card as a backup. Only time I had to use the backup was when I failed to notice that our Caxton cards expiry date was whilst we were on holiday. So I withdrew all the money on the cards just before the expiry date at an ATM. One advantage of Caxton is that that I only keep a few days' funds on it - regularly topping up by text message during the trip.



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