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Which Motorhome

Keith T

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Don't know if any of you good folk have a subscrition with 'Which Motorhome' also, but I took up an 'offer' 3 months or so ago, and so far received only the October issue, which means I am missing November and December at the very least.


I tried calling the subscription line earlier today, but all I got on three occasions was ' all busy', and eventually asked to leave a message whcih I did.So far no response/call back!


Any one know if there are problems?

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Keith T - 2010-12-07 5:18 PM

I tried calling the subscription line earlier today, but all I got on three occasions was ' all busy', and eventually asked to leave a message whcih I did.So far no response/call back!


Any one know if there are problems?


It could be that they have problems with staffing levels at the moment due to the weather, where I work some of our staff can't get in to. When we were in Tesco's at the weekend it was chaotic - they said they were 25% down on staff numbers due to illness and/or their not being able to get in to the store.

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Thanks for your responses -eventuallyspoke to the subs dept this morning, who said the mags were sent out! Obviously a porblem somewhere, but they've promised tosend them again, and i shall see if they arrive, if not, guess there must be a postie with an interest in motorhomes somewhere around here!!!
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