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replacement door window

mrs p hancox

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hi we have just brought a 2006 elddis Autostratus, a lovely van, we have had a few minor problems, which to give the dealer his due he has retified. But our big problem is the enterance door, which at first glance seems fine, but closer inspection reveals it is not the original window as the original is double glazed and sealed into the the door. The "replacement" is a single glazed peice of glass stuck to the outside of the door! It took us a couple of trips out before we even realised and that was just due to me noticing condinsation on the inside of the glass, closer inspection revealed a dodgy fix job. We obviously want it replaced with the correct glass, but apparently Elddis do not do a replacement window just a complete door which is £1000 plus!! We are arguing with the dealer about this, but does any one know who where and if we can get a replacement window. Ironically my husband is a builder and would be happy to replace the window himself if we could source one


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That does sound a bit of a bodge job, I would check around your area or internet for a caravan dealer who does workshop repairs near to you. I am sure they could find a plastic double glazed unit to match what you need and fit it into the door.


Its not a big job, and should not be that expensive to supply and fit. Dont be put off by silly quotes, just look elsewhere. Good luck

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Hi Pam

You do not say how long a warranty the Dealer gave you, but I am assuming it is still valid.


It is the Dealers responsibility to supply the Vehicle as Advertised and I am 100% sure it was not advertised as having a modified Door Window.


Therefore it is HIS responsibility to supply a replacement window (&fit it) or if unable to do that, to reolace the door.


A visit to your local Trading Standards will give you a better understanding of the situation, with the more detailed information from you.

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Agreed!  He should know the sources for replacement doors or windows, and should, in any case, be able to pressure Elddis to assist.  The van is only four years old for goodness sake.  It is very fair minded of you to seek to find a source on his behalf but if you get the next few moves wrong you could find yourselves having to fork out the £1,000 yourselves, or sue the dealer.  Make sure he understands you expects him to make the repair at his expense.
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I appreciate that the dealer should sort but in the event that you have to do it then you could try the following number. I can tell you that they do not do door windows, just whole doors. The number I have listed may have or know someone else who has a door for your van. He does a lot of work for Eldis.

Derwentside Leisure Services 07762 401913. Out of hours:- 01207 509275. I have no connection with the company other than they do work on my van and I am very pleased with that work to date.


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Me again,

Pam although various supply options have been posted with good intention, I would strongly contenence against taking action to find a replacement yourself at this time. It can only be detrimental to your contractual position with the Dealer (think along the lines, that by a quirk of fate you got the WRONG window, having already paid for it)


Can you establish if the door has been fitted with Automotive safety glass ?

If it hasn't that will further strengthen your position insisting the Dealer finds & fits the correct replacement (Even it that necessitates a New Door.)


But - If the Dealer were to order just the "Window" it may take a longer period for delivery.

If that is the position, my initial stance would be to insist that he replaces the full door, as the delivery period would not be acceptable.

Alternatively (I am assuming there has already been a reasonable period elapsed since you first contacted the Dealer regarding the problem) put it in writing giving him a set timescale in which to rectify the situation.


Edited to add:-

You could steer the conversation with your Dealer to ask if they have approach any of the suggested Suppliers mentioned in other posts.

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many thanks for all your replies, we have just heard off dealer and he wants us to e mail them as nothing will happen til they get the complaint in black and white. We have phoned eeco windows who were very helpful and have advised we visit in the new year if we ar still not sorted. So we will do as dealer requsts but keep you all updated
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  • 1 month later...
hi we are still no further forward with our rplacement window, well we are but not in the dirction I had hoped. Our dealer now says the window was factory fitted as single glazed. (Which seems bloody funny to me if when you look into the frame you can see runner for the double glazing. Does any one out there own or know some one that owns an Elddis 2006 autostratus 510 or Compass castaway 510 (Same machine) If so could they confirm if the habitation door is double or single glazed if double what is the numbering on said window cause that will prove its double glazed!!!
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The dealer is talking out of his A*** no polyplastic caravan/motorhome windows have been single glazed since the early eighties.

I'm not sure but I think the manufacturers went straight from single glazed glass to double glazed plastic.


It certainly would not be single glazed in a 2006 van.

Here is a link to the 2006 Elddis brochure:-




Be patient the link takes a long time to load.


It does not mention the door window but fairly obvious from the photos it is double glazed. Why not phone Elddis I'm sure they will tell you they have never made a van with a single glazed window.


I think it's time to get tough with the dealer and tell him to stop insulting your intelligence.



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The Dealer is using delaying tactics in the hope you will go away.

No way single glazed window would be fitted in 2006.

You need to be persistent & suggest he improves his product knowledge.

If the Dealer persists with this comment, contact Elddis for clarification. Telephone 01207 699 000

They do not appear to have an e-mail facility on their website, but do ask:-

"Please include your 17-digit VIN number in all correspondence to help us deal with your enquiry more efficiently."

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hi we have spoken to elddis they have been no help at all yet. They say they honestly dont know but will try and check. I dont hold my breath on how quick they will be though thats why if someone has same model I can check and prove it. i have looked at the elddis link we have original brochure too but window looks exactly like ours!
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hi we have spoken to elddis they have been no help at all yet. They say they honestly dont know but will try and check. I dont hold my breath on how quick they will be though thats why if someone has same model I can check and prove it. i have looked at the elddis link we have original brochure too but window looks exactly like ours!
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mrs p hancox - 2011-01-17 9:11 PM


hi we have spoken to elddis they have been no help at all yet. They say they honestly dont know but will try and check. I dont hold my breath on how quick they will be though thats why if someone has same model I can check and prove it. i have looked at the elddis link we have original brochure too but window looks exactly like ours!



If you get in touch with Miriad products, 01283 586060 and give them the details of the van they will be able to help you, and supply the exact replacement window you need. http://www.miriad-products.com/section.php?xSec=371&xPage=1






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mrs p hancox - 2011-01-17 5:31 PM hi we are still no further forward with our rplacement window, well we are but not in the dirction I had hoped. Our dealer now says the window was factory fitted as single glazed. (Which seems bloody funny to me if when you look into the frame you can see runner for the double glazing. Does any one out there own or know some one that owns an Elddis 2006 autostratus 510 or Compass castaway 510 (Same machine) If so could they confirm if the habitation door is double or single glazed if double what is the numbering on said window cause that will prove its double glazed!!!

There are a few advertised for sale, if you simply Google Autostratus 510.  Have you tried phoning the advertising dealers and asking them if they can confirm whether the habitation door window is double glazed?  At worst they should only need to nip outside for a minute to look.

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hi I had tried google advertisment but they had all sold!! But good news Elddis eventually phoned back and admitted the original information that they had given (The door only been sold as a complete part, ratther than replacement window being available) was incorrect they confirmed window was also double glazed gave hubby part number for window, we spoke to dealer who has ordered part RESULT!!!! So thank you to all you helpers
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