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If its still not working for you then tomorrow you could use the online chat function on the outdoor bits website to find out the latest state of play. I was told by them about the server. They reassured me that it would come back on and it has. Mine was out for 18 hours but it came back on this afternoon.
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Robinhood's correct. The server's there, just the DNS records pointing to it not fully propagated out. You could try flushing your DNS cache (google to find out how), but if there's a DNS cache somewhere else in the path (e.g. your internet provider) you'll just have to wait until that clears as well.
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Dave G - 2010-12-14 8:19 PM


Thanks for that, Robinhood, but unfortunately it only gets you to the main page and from there none of the links work, and you cannot log in either.


Yes, I can't replicate because my DNS has caught up.


If you're desperate to access, just substitute the IP numbers for www.motorhomefacts.com in the failed link, try again, and it will pull the page up.


Bit of a fiddle though. :-S

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It should catch up, but if you know what you're doing, you could make a note of your router settings and try temporarily substituting the DNS server IP addresses with a set of public ones. You can then reset later.


If you google "public DNS" then you will find a number of public services.


Google, for instance, provide a DNS service.

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Hi All,


Like others,I have not been able to get on to MHF website except for last night when I typed in the IP address.

I tried that this am but that does not work now. I have flushed my DNS

( whatever that is ) and it does not help.


Is the problem with my computer or my ISP which is talktalk ? I am not very computer literate so don't want to do mess about with router settings as suggested by Robinhood.

Do I just be patient and all will right itself?



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Quick "mickey Mouse" explanation beefore I go out.


The internet works on the basis of translating a URL (such as www.motorhomefacts.co.uk) to an IP address (the set of numbers I posted) which is what the technology uses to route all the resulting internet traffic.


It does the translation via Domain Name Servers (DNS), and if the physical location of the requested site moves (such as a change to a different server - as appears to be the case with motorhomefacts), then the number which represents the location changes.


This requires the mapping in the Domain Name Server to be changed to point www.motorhomefacts.co.uk to the new number.


There are literally thousands of Domain Name Servers all over the internet (your ISP will have their own).


The change in mapping will be done iniitially on a DNS server local to the person making the change, and over time, through talking to each other (propagation), the change will get reflected throughout the rest of the DNS servers on the internet (and eventually all will catch up).


Some DNS servers are set to 'talk' to others at less frequent intervals, and so they take a long time to catch up - but eventually, they should. If you continue to have problems for some days, it will be with the owner of the DNS server you're pointing at - most likely your ISP.


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peedee - 2010-12-15 7:57 AM


I'm peed off, I stil cannot get it inspite of flushing my DNS cache. Virgin have still not updated their DNS.




Hi peedee, I'm with virgin as well but down here on the south coast I can now get onto the site ok. Perhaps virgin have different dns servers for different parts of the country? Anyhow hope it clears up for you shortly, if not e-mailing virgin might help?

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Guest JudgeMental
dont use your normal link?? just "search" again with a search engine such as firefox or exporer, and it should pop up, and just sign in......it did for me :-S
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Fairly typical of their customer service that there was no notice of the impending disruption which must have been well known to the site owner.

How hard is it to put a message warning all users of a change of server and the problems which might arise?

Even my bank can manage this!!


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