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I also was locked out of MHF for three days but when I did get back in after following advice here about DNS clearing I found a post from the management telling everyone wwhat to do.


Great if you can get in there to see it!


But to be fair, the post did say that it was not a planned change but the supplier of the server suddenly found the server har drive was breaking up and would not put the old DNS onto the new drive. It was not the fault of MHF but whoever provides their computer access.


But I do not really understand why it happened - a merely relating what I found!


Steve 8-) :-S

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We're overdue for a REALLY bizarre conspiracy theory, so try this one out:


MHF are struggling for members (perhaps because they charge real money?), and desperate for a bit of exposure.

On the principle that there's no such thing as bad publicity, they've had a pop at one of the most popular and helpful motorhome travel writers around, and put bugs in their own website software.


Result: two threads on here (the "market leader" in UK motorhome web forums), making them known to motorhomers who never before knew or cared that they existed, and people from here who've always managed perfectly well without them, suddenly trying to access their site.


Come on, that's got to be a better wild idea than some of the ones we see on here about the Government! :D

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Why can't we have a forum where we can say what we like so long as it is legal. Should the odd comment offend any section of the community then they should say so and see if an apology is forthcomming. My observation is that people do not go out of there way to offend but do so by accident and are eager to apologise for their lack of forsight. So far as motorhome facts are concerned I can tell you that I registered but was unable to log on with the details confirmed by MHF. I don't have a problem, I just do not bother to try any further. We will always have dictitorial people who feel they have to keep everyone right so it should not come as a surprise that the odd forum site breeds one whose main aim in life is to upset contributors. My view is that MHF is the looser in that I (and others) may have had some valuable contributions to make. Get over it and look to see what other forum sites are available who value contribution whatever the level of expertise.


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Clive - 2010-12-19 10:29 PM


Perhaps the other forum has a touch of the Anne Robinson syndrome regarding anything to do with Wales?


Anyway it will blow over, you and a few others will sleep on it and tomorrow is another day --- for shuvelling snow!.






As long as it's only snow!

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Clive - 2010-12-19 10:29 PM


Perhaps the other forum has a touch of the Anne Robinson syndrome regarding anything to do with Wales?


Anyway it will blow over, you and a few others will sleep on it and tomorrow is another day --- for shuvelling snow!.






Brilliant Clive, perhaps I should give the old racism bit a go. Not to accurate as I am from London but they are not to know that.

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One thing about MHF that may not be known is that the guy who runs it, Dave something or other, also runs Outdoor Bits and uses the forum to direct business to his commercial site. No problem with that but because of what is going on over their, which he must know about, I will now avoid buying anything further from them also.
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graham - 2010-12-14 7:10 PM


Is anyone else having a problem accessing the MHF website. For the last 2 days I have a message coming up saying ' oops the link has broken'. Is it me, them, my pc or have microsoft updated something.


I have only had a problem acccess the site this morning, it was ok last night. All though I disagree with their action regarding Andy, is is still a good site.


They were more than happy to be involved throughout the Fiat Saga, so why the change of attitude.

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rupert123 - 2010-12-20 10:39 AM


One thing about MHF that may not be known is that the guy who runs it, Dave something or other, also runs Outdoor Bits and uses the forum to direct business to his commercial site. No problem with that but because of what is going on over their, which he must know about, I will now avoid buying anything further from them also.


I find this very interesting ............................ I fell out with them in the summer over the fact that I was promoting my website as a link for our Highland Gatherings - to give inforation on where we are to possible gatherers, and what this area of the Highlands has to offer. This was said to be advertising, and is not allowed on the site without paying for it. I argued that our small, seasonal business was unlikely to benefit significantly (if at all) from this "advertising", but I was told in no uncertain terms that if I continued my posts would be deleted. I have visited the site since (I am paid up until July so feel I should see what they are saying) but VERY infrequently so was unaware of the current problems.

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Just a general comment, not directed at the preceding post, but I really can't understand why so much of this forum's space has been absorbed talking about another forum and how it is run and moderated.

Half the people on here, it seems to me, are also on there, so what's new?

It is their forum, they make the rules, as they are entitled to, they interpret the rules, as they are entitled to, and they charge for membership, as they are entitled to.

If you don't like a shop, what it sells, its prices, or how it is run, you don't shop there.  Why not with forums?

Just leave them to it, and let's get back to what this part of this forum is supposed to be about, which is things related to motorhomes.  So much more interesting!  :-)

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Brian Kirby - 2010-12-20 11:32 AMJust a general comment, not directed at the preceding post, but I really can't understand why so much of this forum's space has been absorbed talking about another forum and how it is run and moderated.

Half the people on here, it seems to me, are also on there, so what's new?

It is their forum, they make the rules, as they are entitled to, they interpret the rules, as they are entitled to, and they charge for membership, as they are entitled to.

If you don't like a shop, what it sells, its prices, or how it is run, you don't shop there.  Why not with forums?

Just leave them to it, and let's get back to what this part of this forum is supposed to be about, which is things related to motorhomes.  So much more interesting!  :-)

Brian this is related to M/H's the name of the site will give you a clue. What is wrong with a bit of site bashing and as I am not the forgive and forgot type will continue to have a go at them. It is probably a bit petty but as I am not doing much at the moment, next trip not until January, am happy to continue. The best way to drop it is you do not post on the thread and help keep it going. Many threads are about other things but if not interested do not contribute it is the variety that makes things interesting, something that MMM magazine itself has not quite grasped.
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rupert123 - 2010-12-20 3:07 PM Brian this is related to M/H's the name of the site will give you a clue.

But it ain't about motorhomes, it is about a motorhome forum: i.e. an internet chatroom.  Motorhomes are those big white tin boxes on wheels!

 .............. The best way to drop it is you do not post on the thread and help keep it going. Many threads are about other things but if not interested do not contribute it is the variety that makes things interesting, something that MMM magazine itself has not quite grasped.

Why not?  You do!  Anyway, I didn't say I wasn't interested, just that I couldn't understand.  I was hoping someone would enlighten me!  :-D

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I think MHF would love to keep this thread running as long as possible, I think possibly the owner of this forum may not be too happy, judging by the conversation he had with Dave from MHF last year.


I enjoy both forums and take them for what they are and the people on them. We are all different and cannot like all the same people or all the same forums, you just move on and smile at those sad enough to bear grudges for months on end and wonder if they have nothing better to do with their lives. I am sure there are a few people on both forums would be happy to have the time to spend griping at others all the time but they are too busy fighting for their lives right now.


Hopefully this will set a few more going and the thread will run for many pages more (lol) (lol) (lol)



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Seems Motorhome Sites are the same wherever you look-a means of starting off with one subject and digressing quickly to others


I thin this particular thread was started as a problem re communicating with a Site , and is now all about slagging it off (


A reminder- the "slagging" thread is the one with "Andy" in the title. ;-)

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Mandy&Andy - 2010-12-20 6:15 PM


I think MHF would love to keep this thread running as long as possible, I think possibly the owner of this forum may not be too happy, judging by the conversation he had with Dave from MHF last year.


I enjoy both forums and take them for what they are and the people on them. We are all different and cannot like all the same people or all the same forums, you just move on and smile at those sad enough to bear grudges for months on end and wonder if they have nothing better to do with their lives. I am sure there are a few people on both forums would be happy to have the time to spend griping at others all the time but they are too busy fighting for their lives right now.


Hopefully this will set a few more going and the thread will run for many pages more (lol) (lol) (lol)




Am really intrigued, what conversation?

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rupert123 - 2010-12-20 10:39 AM


One thing about MHF that may not be known is that the guy who runs it, Dave something or other, also runs Outdoor Bits and uses the forum to direct business to his commercial site. No problem with that but because of what is going on over their, which he must know about, I will now avoid buying anything further from them also.


If you subscribe, you'd struggle not to know that. You pay for your subscription via the Outdoor Bits site...it's hardly a secret.


I participate in both forums (fora?), and each have their merits. This has more motorhome focus, the other considerably more posts. Going off the number of duplicate posts I see between the two sites, I don't think I'm alone in being a member of both. Trying to get a rivalry going between the two won't get far - like getting us to kick our right legs with our left one.

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Rosbotham - 2010-12-20 11:05 PM


rupert123 - 2010-12-20 10:39 AM


One thing about MHF that may not be known is that the guy who runs it, Dave something or other, also runs Outdoor Bits and uses the forum to direct business to his commercial site. No problem with that but because of what is going on over their, which he must know about, I will now avoid buying anything further from them also.


If you subscribe, you'd struggle not to know that. You pay for your subscription via the Outdoor Bits site...it's hardly a secret.


I participate in both forums (fora?), and each have their merits. This has more motorhome focus, the other considerably more posts. Going off the number of duplicate posts I see between the two sites, I don't think I'm alone in being a member of both. Trying to get a rivalry going between the two won't get far - like getting us to kick our right legs with our left one.


If you had bothered to read through the posts instead of just going off you would see I did belong to both. I had been a member of MHF for three years and cannot see this is some sort of competition. I would agree with you that both have their merits but having been kicked off MHF with no explanation this I find a little strange. I have tried to contact the owner but he is the invisible man and it is impossible to get try and get an explanation for anything. I, like others, find the current mods. attitude unreasonable to say the least but if you are prepared to bow down to them fine, personally I am not.

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For the second time this year I am forced to agree with Rupert. I am a member on Facts and I am not one of the Mods 'favoured few'. I expect it will only be a matter of time before I am turfed off for some petty reason.


I expect I will survive that crushing blow. 8-)

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747 - 2010-12-21 1:08 PM


For the second time this year I am forced to agree with Rupert. I am a member on Facts and I am not one of the Mods 'favoured few'. I expect it will only be a matter of time before I am turfed off for some petty reason.


I expect I will survive that crushing blow. 8-)


Their you go Jim, not to hard as I know I am always correct.

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rupert123 - 2010-12-21 1:42 PM


747 - 2010-12-21 1:08 PM


For the second time this year I am forced to agree with Rupert. I am a member on Facts and I am not one of the Mods 'favoured few'. I expect it will only be a matter of time before I am turfed off for some petty reason.


I expect I will survive that crushing blow. 8-)


Their you go Jim, not to hard as I know I am always correct.


Rupert, the crushing blow I mentioned pertained to agreeing with you and not being turfed off MHF. :-S

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rupert123 - 2010-12-21 11:29 AM


Rosbotham - 2010-12-20 11:05 PM


rupert123 - 2010-12-20 10:39 AM


One thing about MHF that may not be known is that the guy who runs it, Dave something or other....


If you subscribe, you'd struggle not to know that. You pay for your subscription via the Outdoor Bits site...it's hardly a secret.


If you had bothered to read through the posts instead of just going off you would see I did belong to both.


Actually, I had read through the whole thread, and your other one, and the posts that you've made both on this board and MHF. Who is it who's "going off on" one again?


Mea culpa, I'm guilty of using the vernacular of using "you" rather than "one". My point was that any subscriber of MHF would be fully aware of the relationship with Outdoorbits because the payment for subscription is purchased from that site. I perceived - possibly incorrectly - your earlier post as implying that there was something secretive about that linkage. I was merely highlighting that there is nothing of the sort. As it happens, I've posted over there myself about the daftness of ODB's software automatically inserting links in to the sales material on their site, particularly e.g. where handbrake extenders linked to a lower quality unit than the one the poster was referring to.



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