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Any Subscriber got January MMM yet?

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ALAN G - 2010-12-31 6:05 PM


MMM and C&CC Mags arrived today. But the CC Mag has not arrived and neither has my house insurance renewal that would have been sent out on the 11th December. Having seen the conditions in different parts of the country that our postmen have had to cope with I'm not surprised that some of the mail is held up.

Overall I'm quite happy to read my magazines in the month to which they are attributed. Delivering them a fortnight early is like buying Christmas cards in August. Perhaps some of our subscribers do! :-D


That would be silly. January is by far the best time to buy christmas cards.

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Rayjsj - 2011-01-03 6:41 PM


OK Brambles where do I start ? Snow chains for Delivery Drivers, especially on large trucks that all too often jacknife and block the road for everyone else, more standby snowploughs on Airports, Have Snowplough attachments to fit onto Trains (they always used to be fitted to the old steam engines). We COULD be better prepared and it doesn't cost too much. I'm not just complaining about Magazines either, The whole Country appeared to grind to a halt, we should be able to do better, especially as colder winters now appear to be the 'Norm' . According to weather guru's it's all to do with global 'Warming' ?? *-)


Thanks Rayjsj, now we are talking. Got to agree, a lot of vans and lorries were not eqipped for the snow so issue of chains and maybe some better instructions/training for drivers to cope with snow in this country.


The airports issue does seem to crop up each winter so some better equipment would be desirable. In Scotland a lot of the local trains used to be fitted with plough like attachments on the front but cannot say I have seen them on the newer trains we now have. However this does not get round the problem of iced up rails and points. So maybe the railways need improvement, after all they seem to manage in places like Switzerland and get round problems. Maybe a lot needs to be learned by the railways and heaters fitted to more points. As to the rails icing, surely there must be some antifreeze of some kind they could be sprayed with, I do not know. Always comes down to money though and who is going to pay for improvements, but if worse and worse winters are expected which I do not believe is down to global warming but just the cycle of weather the world has gone through for 100s or indeed 1000s of years, then improvements are indeed needed.



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This forum is great! On 16 December I posted a itsy bitsy question to see if anyone had received a magazine that was late arriving to me and now over two weeks and eight pages later we're discussing the infrastructure of the country and how to cope in adverse conditions! Love it!!!! ;-)
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This forum is great! On 16 December I posted an itsy bitsy question to see if anyone had received a magazine that was late arriving for me and now over two weeks and eight pages later we're discussing the infrastructure of the country and how to cope in adverse conditions! Love it!!!! ;-)
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Brambles - 2011-01-03 8:37 PM


Bet you never expected the thread you started to last so long!


You're not kidding!!! Especially as I'm a relative newbie. Almost like seeing your name in lights when you keep moving back to the top of the postings. Aah, fame at last........................ B-)

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I guess the other thing to consider, apart from the delays due to weather, is that there have been so many 'nonworking' days ( or non postal delivery days anway) over the last two weeks, that there must be a backlog of these quite heavy mags somewhere or other. I'm Ok on both MMM and Which Motohome, but still await 2 x January cover issues of Music mags from Haymarket Publications - and I notice the DDs have been put through the Bank Account dead on time!!!


I do agree with an earlier contributor that trying to speak to almost anyone company over the last 10 days has been hit and miss, although I have found 'call centres' for the big companies etc still working - but I guess they are worldwide, and will always have 24 hr/ 365 days staff!

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Well, just to change the subject and go totally off subject I ordered a couple of days ago a brand new Dell all in one computer , top of the all in one range being intel I5 23 inch. £799...less 5%. Got TV on it and a touch screen.

Can't wait to get it, so lets hope (back on subject) we don't get too much snow again. It will arrive when it arrives, but (returning to off topic) buying from Dell themselves which saved quite a bit.


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Well, after contacting Warners by email I received my issue two days later marked 2nd class Air Mail so I think that must have been the missing original copy. Felt guilty at first but still not received the promised replacement so I conclude that although promised to some of us the mailing must have been cancelled when they realised how many people were affected.
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I now know why mine has not arrived yet after talking to my postie (smashing lad)


Some very clever Manager at the Post Office decided to buy a fleet of small vans. In the Gateshead and Sunderland areas, the postmen would go out in pairs in one van and their brand spanking new trolleys would be used instead of those big postbags.


Brilliant idea.


Then came the deep snow. :'(


So, if any of you ever have a clever idea. Think it through first. :D


The postie said they have an enormous backlog, so heaven knows when I will get mine.


Just to even things up, I gave him his Christmas card this morning. :$

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Mel B - 2011-01-04 5:43 PM


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news guys, but there's more snow on the way apparently .... :-S


Yeah - but only for Humberside!


Happy New Year Mel - have a good 'un!

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Tracker - 2011-01-04 8:14 PM


Mel B - 2011-01-04 5:43 PM


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news guys, but there's more snow on the way apparently .... :-S


Yeah - but only for Humberside!


Happy New Year Mel - have a good 'un!


... yeah, but you're gonna get the floods ..... >:-)

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Mel B - 2011-01-04 8:20 PM


Tracker - 2011-01-04 8:14 PM


Mel B - 2011-01-04 5:43 PM


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news guys, but there's more snow on the way apparently .... :-S


Yeah - but only for Humberside!


Happy New Year Mel - have a good 'un!


... yeah, but you're gonna get the floods ..... >:-)


Not where we are - according to the Environment Agency and being a Government Department, sorry Agency (what's the difference anyway) we know we can rely on them - yeah right !!!

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Timetraveller - 2011-01-04 10:49 PM


Was it worth reading? Coz I still haven't got mine. Think I might give them a call 2moro & ask for a refund or another sent via special delivery!! :D


Cancel the subscription and go out and buy the mags from a local store. may cost you a few more sheckles without the subscription discount and FREE GIFT !! but at least you get to read it before it becomes out of date. More importantly you will know what others are referring to in some of these posts :D

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Timetraveller - 2011-01-04 10:49 PM


Was it worth reading? Coz I still haven't got mine. Think I might give them a call 2moro & ask for a refund or another sent via special delivery!! :D


Cancel the subscription and go out and buy the mags from a local store. may cost you a few more sheckles without the subscription discount and FREE GIFT !! but at least you get to read it before it becomes out of date. More importantly you will know what others are referring to in some of these posts :D

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