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Any Subscriber got January MMM yet?

Hazy Baby

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Finally arrived Today !

Next issues i will get from the supermarket, as they seem to have priority over Subscribers.

Sorry MMM, but your Subscriber Distribution is Rubbish,

Great magazine, let down by poor distribution. End of Subscription.

I never subscribed for a cheaper cover price anyway.


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yes got ours a few days ado, still waiting for some music mags, whcih should have been here well before Christmas. had a prob with Which Motorhome though. As new subscriber received one, then missed the next two or three, but contacted the Subs dept and they sent all three in one package, which reached me, followd by one of the earlier ones.....no rhym or reason what arrives in what order it seems.

In fact some Amazon orders due to reach me 'on delay' arrived several days ahead of the initiallly promised date...exc service from them.


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MMM and C&CC Mags arrived today. But the CC Mag has not arrived and neither has my house insurance renewal that would have been sent out on the 11th December. Having seen the conditions in different parts of the country that our postmen have had to cope with I'm not surprised that some of the mail is held up.

Overall I'm quite happy to read my magazines in the month to which they are attributed. Delivering them a fortnight early is like buying Christmas cards in August. Perhaps some of our subscribers do! :-D

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Into 2011 and still not arrived. Two and a half weeks late.


I know it's not the publishers fault, but you would have thought that some sort of message and apology could be put on the website.


It shows a lack of appreciation for their customers.

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PCC - 2011-01-02 11:02 AM


Into 2011 and still not arrived. Two and a half weeks late.


I know it's not the publishers fault, but you would have thought that some sort of message and apology could be put on the website.


It shows a lack of appreciation for their customers.



To be fair it doesn't look as if Warners have anything to apologise for.

It's Royal Mail who should be apologising.


Possibly Warners will put a note in the Feb copy to tell us what went wrong - that's assuming Royal Mail have given them an explanation.




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So, after all that whingeing about late delivery, for those of you who now have it, have you been overwhelmed by the content?  Did it take you days to devour from cover to cover?  Or did you knock it off in an afternoon and rather wonder what all the fuss had been about?  :-)
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Brian Kirby - 2011-01-02 12:21 PM


So, after all that whingeing about late delivery, for those of you who now have it, have you been overwhelmed by the content?  Did it take you days to devour from cover to cover?  Or did you knock it off in an afternoon and rather wonder what all the fuss had been about?  :-)



I think that the 'fuss' is more about paying for something in advance and it doesn't turn up, and not really anything to do with content.


I personally didn't have a problem as mine was on time - but if it had been delayed by a couple of weeks I may well have sent a letter to The Times.





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Hymer C 9. - 2011-01-02 7:18 PM


Ours has not come yet either, oh well we'll soon have a double dose to read.


That will be if it ever does arrive. I still have not got mine either.

Tried phoning about it but they do not want to take calls about the problem. The answer message says that they know about the problem and if you want to talk about anything else then they will eventually answer the call.

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The snow has affected everyone not just magazine distribution. 2nd Jan a bill from Aldi appeared in my account which I was not expecting. Turned out it was spent on 23rd Dec and I had forgotten this as it took 10 days to come out of my account.
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Toonman - 2011-01-02 9:22 PM


Hymer C 9. - 2011-01-02 7:18 PM


Ours has not come yet either, oh well we'll soon have a double dose to read.


That will be if it ever does arrive. I still have not got mine either.

Tried phoning about it but they do not want to take calls about the problem. The answer message says that they know about the problem and if you want to talk about anything else then they will eventually answer the call.


Welcome to the forum Toonman. :-D


You do have to bear in mind that it is still the 'holidays' at the moment so if there are any staff in at all I'd be amazed!

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yeti - 2011-01-03 1:29 AM


Mine Arrived on New years eve. I think management should question the terms of their contract with the distributors they employ.


I'm sure they will be, but as the snow caused major problems for many, this has to be viewed as the exception rather than the norm and hopefully won't happen again.

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Mel B - 2011-01-03 12:06 PM


yeti - 2011-01-03 1:29 AM


Mine Arrived on New years eve. I think management should question the terms of their contract with the distributors they employ.


I'm sure they will be, but as the snow caused major problems for many, this has to be viewed as the exception rather than the norm and hopefully won't happen again.



That's provided it doesn't EVER snow again !! I'm sure every Airport,Train operating company, Distributor,Parcel delivery company Etc., Etc., are quoting your last statement almost word for word. But the fact is it HAS snowed quite a lot for 2 years now, Some contingency should be 'built in' now or 'lost contracts' will be the norm. *-)

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Rayjsj - 2011-01-03 12:54 PM



That's provided it doesn't EVER snow again !! I'm sure every Airport,Train operating company, Distributor,Parcel delivery company Etc., Etc., are quoting your last statement almost word for word. But the fact is it HAS snowed quite a lot for 2 years now, Some contingency should be 'built in' now or 'lost contracts' will be the norm. *-)


So what contingency to you suggest, Rather than just moaning why not discuss what they could do to cope when roads are blocked, traffic is slow, airports are snow bound, and trains are delayed or can't run. Most delivery companies already took on extra drivers, extra vehicles and there were no more extra vehicles available to clear backlogs. For logistic companies to cope they would require inprovemensts to the services from the authorities to clear roads, airports to have better snow clearing vehicles and equipment, trains to be improved to run on icy rails and on the list goes. This is NOT going to happen just because some periodicals where delayed. It seems the most important mail did get delivered on time the contigency being to delay none essential or important mail.

Of course there are lessons to learned and I am sure they will improve the situation but I expect there are a lot more important matters for the delivery companies to discuss such as why medical supplies or other extremely important deliveries could not be made and would be a shame if it turned out medical supply deliveries could not be made because magazine delivery took priority. Just accept your magazine delivery will always be close to the bottom of of the list and quite rightly so.


The logisistics of delivery are stretched to their limit at the best of times to give economic and cheapest costs, so any disruption due to weather is going to cause problems for some and always will, or would you prefer to pay more for services during normal times to cover the massive extra cost incurred during bad weather to get your magazine to you promptly?



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OK Brambles where do I start ? Snow chains for Delivery Drivers, especially on large trucks that all too often jacknife and block the road for everyone else, more standby snowploughs on Airports, Have Snowplough attachments to fit onto Trains (they always used to be fitted to the old steam engines). We COULD be better prepared and it doesn't cost too much. I'm not just complaining about Magazines either, The whole Country appeared to grind to a halt, we should be able to do better, especially as colder winters now appear to be the 'Norm' . According to weather guru's it's all to do with global 'Warming' ?? *-)
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