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anti-frost heating cable


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If you are on mains or have an inverter with a reliable re-charge system then staying in extremely cold conditions will inevitably lead to icing up if steps are not taken.

I have tried out this cable from QVS and it does what it says on the tin. When fitted as suggested its totally waterproof and there are 3 power ranges available by the metre length to suit. 10/20/30/watts per M.

I have got the end of a pipe dripping over the end and it totally prevents icing.

This should help those who are living in the Alps or anywhere cold and the website is


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If I remember correctly there was a discussion on this a few weeks back and I posted a couple of links to this product as the company I worked for (Raychem, actually make it, mostly for use on railway points)
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scramblers - 2010-12-17 6:52 PM
Brian Kirby - 2010-12-17 6:41 PM Sorry Alec, can't find the actual product.  Could you "sharpen" the link, please?
Hi Brian, Try this link http://www.qvsdirect.com/Trace-J-Self-Regulating-Heating-Cable-pr-16688.html 

Now I understand!  From the string title I thought it was a self heating mains hook up cable, which seemed a bit odd!  It's a trace heating cable for water/drain pipes.  Goddit!  :-)

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The best tape heaters have a PTC (positive temperature coeficient) resistive element so are self regulating. I don,t think soild warming kit has got to this stage or elegance yet. The last soil warming I was involved with was a semi commercial greenhouse where umpteen metres of plastic covered galvanised garden wire, about 14 SWG was burried in the beds and were connected to a hunky 24 volt (but variable) low voltage transformer.




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