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MB Auto Transmission

big olga

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The auto transmission on my 1979 M B 207D has P.R.N. Which is a treat to drive; but what I can not find out is if you can change the selector from "Four" to say "two" for a steep hill and how would you do it without causing damage.? [i am new to Auto trans.] Many Thanks Dave
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big olga - 2010-12-18 6:42 PM


The auto transmission on my 1979 M B 207D has P.R.N. Which is a treat to drive; but what I can not find out is if you can change the selector from "Four" to say "two" for a steep hill and how would you do it without causing damage.? [i am new to Auto trans.] Many Thanks Dave






Yes you can take full manual control for situations such as up-hill, down-hill or to overtake, although you won't do this very often with a 207D! Manual control is especially useful to limit gears used on slippery roads. I beleive on the early gearboxes using the 2 position stops the gearbox going into first for starts on icy surfaces.


Just pull the selector back, allowing for the "steps" in the quadrant that the lever is mounted in; so move lever slightly to the side and back. You won't do any harm to the engine or transmission as the gearbox will only change down as far as engine revs, and road speed, allow.





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Hi, Ian, Many Thanks for your reply. I had suspected that I could reduce the revs and move the selector ;but I did not want to try it untill I had more Info.

I know what you mean about the overtake ;top speed 65mph! The left hand drive is not good when you are behind a Bus or truck you can,t move out to have a look! But I just love "Big Olga" a fully equipped two berth motor home /camper 32 years old!

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