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Guest JudgeMental

The weather and other commitments plus a health issue has stopped me going this side of Christmas and missing the VAT increase:-S


It is not the first time I have done it? I and plenty of others know the ropes? Tell your friend to feel free to ask away :-D

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You can opt to pay the VAT in the country where you collect and pay for the goods. You are then not liable for UK VAT.

Current Germany rate is 19%, every little bit helps. Now if you can find a good dealer in Luxembourg you will be paying 15% VAT.

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AliB - 2010-12-21 8:58 AM


You can opt to pay the VAT in the country where you collect and pay for the goods. You are then not liable for UK VAT.

Current Germany rate is 19%, every little bit helps. Now if you can find a good dealer in Luxembourg you will be paying 15% VAT.


In principle, you do not have to pay VAT in the country from which you are purchasing a new motorhome for export to the UK. In practice (at least where Germany is concerned) it's highly unlikely that a German dealer will allow you to do this. This means that you'll pay VAT twice - German VAT when you pay for the vehicle in Germany and UK VAT when you import it into the UK. Once you've paid the UK VAT, you can claim back the German VAT from the German dealer.


For general rules, see:




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Sorry, you are correct Derek. Having read the rules, I did not realise it is different for motor vehicles compared to consumer goods bought over the internet.

It is a nightmare for our export department, some residents want goods shipped from the UK VAT free and others tax paid, depending on the destination country's tax rates.

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  • 5 months later...
AliB - 2010-12-21 8:58 AM


You can opt to pay the VAT in the country where you collect and pay for the goods. You are then not liable for UK VAT.

Current Germany rate is 19%, every little bit helps. Now if you can find a good dealer in Luxembourg you will be paying 15% VAT.


That's typical with people in this country always trying to get out a paying tax.


We have a wonderful system where the unemployed are looked after by way of housing benefits, job seekers allowances and in a lot of cases child benefits paid for by the tax payer who are lucky enough to be able to go out and work. This also includes Vat payments.


Why should you be the exception, just because you work hard and save for things like a MH you shouldn’t think you’re exempt for coughing up the full amount of VAT. No wonder Britain is in the state it is.


Hang your heads in shame…


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Try re-reading Derek's posting and you'll see that UK VAT is payable when the vehicle is imported so the quote you decided to read was later shown to be incorrect.


Now whose turn is it to hang their head? *-)


BTW. Did it really take you 5 months to find this thread? Slow readers in Norwich?


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Way2Go - 2011-05-28 6:10 PM


Try re-reading Derek's posting and you'll see that UK VAT is payable when the vehicle is imported so the quote you decided to read was later shown to be incorrect.


Now whose turn is it to hang their head? *-)


BTW. Did it really take you 5 months to find this thread? Slow readers in Norwich?



I cannot be held responsible for someone submitting incorrect information. I was just pointing out that as you well know, we are taught in our Christian beliefs to share with our neighbours.


Where would we be now if the big cheese hadn’t shared his two kippers and his granary loaf?


And why are you attaching the good people of Norwich, remember, “little steps make for a short journey” Go forth and repent your words of negativity about those humble souls in Norwich.

:D :D :D :D ;-)

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Congratulations on breaking an Out&AboutLive forum record.


While this forum has been plagued in the past by the occasional person who has proved to be a f***ing nuisance, previously nobody has managed to make this evident in less than 30 postings.

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Derek Uzzell - 2011-05-29 9:41 AM




Congratulations on breaking an Out&AboutLive forum record.


While this forum has been plagued in the past by the occasional person who has proved to be a f***ing nuisance, previously nobody has managed to make this evident in less than 30 postings.


100% with you on this Derek.

A proper pest, (with apologies to rats fleas & bedbugs)


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Derek Uzzell - 2011-05-29 9:41 AM




Congratulations on breaking an Out&AboutLive forum record.


While this forum has been plagued in the past by the occasional person who has proved to be a f***ing nuisance, previously nobody has managed to make this evident in less than 30 postings.


Priceless (lol) (lol) (lol)


Totally agree Derek

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laimeduck - 2011-05-29 10:38 AM


Derek Uzzell - 2011-05-29 9:41 AM




Congratulations on breaking an Out&AboutLive forum record.


While this forum has been plagued in the past by the occasional person who has proved to be a f***ing nuisance, previously nobody has managed to make this evident in less than 30 postings.


100% with you on this Derek.

A proper pest, (with apologies to rats fleas & bedbugs)



I was going to say I've entered the vipers nest, but laimeduck summed it up when he apologised to you guys as rats fleas & bedbugs.


I think I had a very vaild point unless you are the ones we tax payers support :D

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Derek Uzzell - 2011-05-29 9:41 AM




Congratulations on breaking an Out&AboutLive forum record.


While this forum has been plagued in the past by the occasional person who has proved to be a f***ing nuisance, previously nobody has managed to make this evident in less than 30 postings.


Oooooooh! And I thought it was only me who was getting a bit tired of his nonsense! Why do they bother? (lol)

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Derek Uzzell - 2011-05-29 9:41 AM




Congratulations on breaking an Out&AboutLive forum record.


While this forum has been plagued in the past by the occasional person who has proved to be a f***ing nuisance, previously nobody has managed to make this evident in less than 30 postings.


I think Postnote can claim two forum records actually Derek, I suspect he is the first person to get you to use the "F" word on forum too :D :D .



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Dave Newell - 2011-05-29 4:49 PM


Derek Uzzell - 2011-05-29 9:41 AM




Congratulations on breaking an Out&AboutLive forum record.


While this forum has been plagued in the past by the occasional person who has proved to be a f***ing nuisance, previously nobody has managed to make this evident in less than 30 postings.


...I suspect he is the first person to get you to use the "F" word on forum too :D :D .




Probably true, though not the first time I've chosen to use it here:




There are, of course, quite a few combinations of 3 letters that could replace the asterisks and not include a 'k' ;-)

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Guys, guys, guys. You all seem too be so busy bouncing off each others posts to take in my original post. Or is it that you retention span is somewhat limited?

Talk about Way2Go comments about people from Norwich being slow, not even sure what planet he is on. Been studying the koram for too long.


And as for Brian, I was the only one to respond to his war and piece article and now he lowers himself to the levels of laimeduck .

I also suspect that Deggsy finds it hard to string a sentence together without punctuating it with an obscenity.

The wonderful thing about Britain is freedom of speech, unless surrounded by suppressive forum members.

I noted with interest flicka’s comment regarding a subscription based forum, is that why he feels he gets value here 200+ posts and all free. Your just as bad as Yorkshire men in Lincoln.


Now let’s get back to the subject and stop being judgmental of each other.


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Guest Tracker

Much ado about nothing comes to mind?


One man's joke is another man's insult?


Most of us post on here with varying dgrees of humour and in my humble view it is the humour and irony that bring the smiles that make many otherwise dull postings worth reading?


A humourous or even a sarcastic posting is very rarely meant as a personal attack and we all need to learn the difference between a gentle ribbing and personal attack. So by all means reply to any posting in a like tone - but let's please try to keep it in perspective.


Time to move on?

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Tracker - 2011-05-30 10:44 AM


A humourous or even a sarcastic posting is very rarely meant as a personal attack and we all need to learn the difference between a gentle ribbing and personal attack. So by all means reply to any posting in a like tone - but let's please try to keep it in perspective.



I agree and to add to that, Mr Mod will interject if and when absolutely necessary - not when Self Appointed Stan says so.


The Forum stands or falls by it's whole, not it's parts.



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LordThornber - 2011-05-30 11:45 AM


Tracker - 2011-05-30 10:44 AM


A humourous or even a sarcastic posting is very rarely meant as a personal attack and we all need to learn the difference between a gentle ribbing and personal attack. So by all means reply to any posting in a like tone - but let's please try to keep it in perspective.



LordThornber is totally correct and I agree. Let's all look at the actual content not how readers interpret it to their own means..


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