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Snow Tyres And Konig Chains


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got my chains from Ebay, brand new, £55.95 a month ago. we off to Morzine for a bit of skiing on the 6th jan, meeting up with friends and family. Let you know how we got on, or not. Havn't used chains since I worked in Norway in 1978-80, incidentally on summer tyres both winters, in a type 2 vdub van, only trouble I had was the oil, had to change to a lighter viscosity as it was so cold, the engine had trouble turning over.
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Dave J S - 2011-01-01 8:18 PM Brians advice is sound ( price is important. Snowchains £150 autosocks £65 approx) but I have heard of a material that you can spray onto your tyres that give good traction. I wonder if anyone out there could elaborate.

Hi Dave.

This is on ebay.  Winter spray wheel tyre chains motoring grippers. £12.99p + £4.99p delivery. from :- Peak Outdoors Megastore, Chesterfield tel 016236 632651.

Also :- http//www.sprayontyrechain.co.uk


Got the last two of Martyn's Money Saver. I've never tried this and most comments about the product's were negative, but nobody had said that they had used it, so I will stick (pun) with the fly papers for now. :-D


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