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Loose bolts on Fiat 250


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The ADAC released an information to the press about a possible fault on the Fiat 250:



There is a possibility that the bolts between engine and gearbox get loose. Apparently it shows first in a difficulty to change gears. Fiat has reacted and promised to rectify the fault free of charge.


Sorry the link is only in German.


Best wishes from germany, ollybear

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All observations are welcome but I have to say that none of my x250 vans have suffered this and many are now approaching or just over 200,000 miles of hard use.


When it comes to commercial vehicles anything, and i do mean ANTYHING can happen regardless of marque and unless there is clearly an epidemic i would not lose too much sleep over this.



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This is the German text:


ADAC entdeckt Montagefehler beim Fiat Ducato 250

Mangel bei Kleintransporter


Die Verbindungsschrauben von Motor und Getriebe können sich beim Kleintransporter Fiat Ducato 250 lösen. Dies hat der ADAC bei einem Test von Wohnmobilen auf Ducato-Basis festgestellt. Der Fehler führt zunächst zu Schaltproblemen. Das Fahrzeug kann deswegen auch liegen bleiben. Fiat hat auf die Information des ADAC reagiert und führt über sein Händlernetz für die betroffenen Fahrzeuge eine Kundendienstmaßnahme durch. Auch Besitzer von Wohnmobilen auf Ducato-Basis sollen sich an Fiat-Werkstätten wenden. Diese ziehen die Befestigungsschrauben der betroffenen Fahrzeuge nach. Die Aktion dauert eine halbe Stunde und ist für die Kunden kostenlos.


Bauähnliche Fahrzeuge werden auch von Peugeot und Citroën verkauft. Dort sind nur Kfz mit dem 3.0-l-Diesel-Motor betroffen. Laut Peugeot Deutschland will man mit den lockeren Schrauben genauso umgehen wie Fiat. Betroffene Kunden werden schriftlich von Peugeot Deutschland informiert. Sie sollten sich dann umgehend bei ihrem Peugeot-Händler melden. Auch Citroën schließt sich bei der Aktion Peugeot an.


...and this is what GOOGLE Translate produces



ADAC discovered fitting errors for the Fiat Ducato 250

Deficiency in Van


The connecting bolts of the engine and transmission can loosen the Van Fiat Ducato 250th This is the ADAC has found in a test of mobile homes on Ducato chassis. The error initially leads to shifting problems. The vehicle can therefore stay in bed too. Fiat has responded to the information of the ADAC and implementing through its dealer network for the affected vehicles needs service. Owners of mobile homes on Ducato chassis should contact Fiat workshops. This lead to the fixing screws of the affected vehicles. The action takes half an hour and is free for customers.


Bauähnliche vehicles sold by Peugeot and Citroën. There, only vehicles with the 3.0-liter diesel engine are affected. According to Peugeot Germany wants to deal with the loose screws just like Fiat. Affected customers will be informed in writing of Peugeot Germany. You should then immediately report to their Peugeot dealer. Citroën also joins in the action Peugeot.


(If any forum-member with technical German can improve on the GOOGLE translation, please do so.)

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-12-22 8:31 AM


This is the German text:


ADAC entdeckt Montagefehler beim Fiat Ducato 250

Mangel bei Kleintransporter


Die Verbindungsschrauben von Motor und Getriebe können sich beim Kleintransporter Fiat Ducato 250 lösen. Dies hat der ADAC bei einem Test von Wohnmobilen auf Ducato-Basis festgestellt. Der Fehler führt zunächst zu Schaltproblemen. Das Fahrzeug kann deswegen auch liegen bleiben. Fiat hat auf die Information des ADAC reagiert und führt über sein Händlernetz für die betroffenen Fahrzeuge eine Kundendienstmaßnahme durch. Auch Besitzer von Wohnmobilen auf Ducato-Basis sollen sich an Fiat-Werkstätten wenden. Diese ziehen die Befestigungsschrauben der betroffenen Fahrzeuge nach. Die Aktion dauert eine halbe Stunde und ist für die Kunden kostenlos.


Bauähnliche Fahrzeuge werden auch von Peugeot und Citroën verkauft. Dort sind nur Kfz mit dem 3.0-l-Diesel-Motor betroffen. Laut Peugeot Deutschland will man mit den lockeren Schrauben genauso umgehen wie Fiat. Betroffene Kunden werden schriftlich von Peugeot Deutschland informiert. Sie sollten sich dann umgehend bei ihrem Peugeot-Händler melden. Auch Citroën schließt sich bei der Aktion Peugeot an.




My daughter speaks German. She has no connection to any of the Sevel van manufacturers. Her translation is as follows;


"ADAC has discovered an assembly defect on the Fiat Ducato 250 van


It’s possible for the connecting bolts belonging to the motor and gearbox to become unscrewed on the Fiat Ducato 250 van. ADAC themselves have ascertained this when testing the Ducato line of vehicles. This may lead to steering problems and breakdown. Fiat has reacted to ADAC’s information and is using its network of dealers to offer its customers a solution. Owners of a Ducato model vehicle should contact their Fiat garage, who will retighten the relevant screws. The process takes about half an hour and is free for the customer.


Peugeot and Citroen have also sold vans of a similar construction – the problem has only been found on the 3.0 litre Diesel model. Peugeot are offering the same method of resolution as Fiat. Customers affected have been notified in writing by Peugeot Germany and should immediately contact their Peugeot dealer. Citroen owners should follow the same instructions as Peugeot for contacting their dealers."


So, I might have a screw loose. (What's new some might say!) Hope this is helpful.



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Uncle Bulgaria - 2010-12-23 4:11 PM


My daughter speaks German. She has no connection to any of the Sevel van manufacturers. Her translation is as follows;


"ADAC has discovered an assembly defect on the Fiat Ducato 250 van


It’s possible for the connecting bolts belonging to the motor and gearbox to become unscrewed on the Fiat Ducato 250 van. ADAC themselves have ascertained this when testing the Ducato line of vehicles. This may lead to steering problems and breakdown. Fiat has reacted to ADAC’s information and is using its network of dealers to offer its customers a solution. Owners of a Ducato model vehicle should contact their Fiat garage, who will retighten the relevant screws. The process takes about half an hour and is free for the customer.


Peugeot and Citroen have also sold vans of a similar construction – the problem has only been found on the 3.0 litre Diesel model. Peugeot are offering the same method of resolution as Fiat. Customers affected have been notified in writing by Peugeot Germany and should immediately contact their Peugeot dealer. Citroen owners should follow the same instructions as Peugeot for contacting their dealers."


So, I might have a screw loose. (What's new some might say!) Hope this is helpful.






Please thank your daughter for her translation.


I believe the sentence "This may lead to steering problems and breakdown" should say "This may lead to gear-changing problems and breakdown." A small point, but possibly significant for any Ducato owner who experiences this fault.

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Brambles - 2010-12-23 10:27 PM


This issue with gearbox mounting bolts was known about a couple of years ago, I certianly have come across it before and the bolts are replaced with self locking ones. I think it was during 2008 I came across the issue.


This was mentioned on the MHF forum in 2008.



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