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Travellers Cheques

Don Madge

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It is many years since we used TC and I'm out of touch with the latest info.


We have to have quite a lot of A$ when we go to OZ in January, we usually use our debit card and draw cash from ATM's as and when.


After checking various options TC's seem to be our best bet if one gets the face value of the cheque when we cash them in.


We plan to cash them in in West Pac banks in OZ so does anybody know or can point me in the right direction to find out if the bank in OZ will charge commission.


I can get A$ TC for the same rate as cash from the Post Office.


I'm open to suggestions if anybody has any other ideas/options.





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Years ago, before the euro, we used to buy 'French francs' travellers cheques.


I remember contacting American Express and asked which French banks would accept the cheques without charging a fee or commission and, at the time, I think Credit-Agricole was the only one. I do recall that one French bank we tried wished to impose a very hefty fee.


Looking at the Am-Ex website, it seems that West Pac branches accept TCs, but there doesn't seem to be any firm advice on possible charges.


Suggest you contact the UK Am-Ex helpline on 0800 587 6023 and ask which (if any) Australian banks accept their TCs free of charge.

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I took £UK TC's to Australia a couple of years ago. The only issue with that was of course the daily fluctuation in Exchange Rates but meant that any that i did not spend could be exchanged at face valuewhen I returned. Most of the banks accept TC's so you should not have any problems unless you are going somewhere remote ;-)
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