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Censorship again


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I did not read the post. I do know that Warners and individuals are caught by the Equality Act 2010 and you have to be very careful what you say in modern Britain.


The Act seeks to "protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all; to update, simplify and strengthen the previous legislation; and to deliver a simple, modern and accessible framework of discrimination law which protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society".


If there was a risk that the posts could fall foul of the legislation, then it was right to pull.


Personally, all the work places I've worked in had policies that actively discouraged discussion on sex, religion, and politics. Sometimes I think forums would do better by having specific areas for those type of comments or by banning them.

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antony1969 - 2010-12-22 7:25 PM Stalwart , I hope you are right with your explanation , for humours sake I hope you are right , I presume this means that the easily offended crew would maybe of had a little snigger had they seen my facial expression , surely something is either funny or not , spoken or wrote . My wording did in no way indicate any bigotry and for those with the sense of humour failure I offer my advice . Do not pull a christmas cracker on the 25th with your lunch , as any written joke is likely to cause you serious indigestion , especially if there are no funny faces to let ya know its a joke

If you truly believe all that, just stick around! 

Most of the outbreaks of aggro on here stem from people writing what they truly believe to be hilarious, or intend to be hilarious but, through cack-handed phraseology, or just a typo or two, or unanticipated differences in sense of humour on the part of readers, causes offence instead of mirth.  We do not all laugh at the same things, if we did there would only be a handful of comedians!

The emoticons are a substitute for that facial expression that says "don't take this seriously", and without them it is very likely someone will be offended, disgusted, outraged, or whatever.

It is no good after the event saying "it was only meant to be a joke", because offended, disgusted, or outraged will then be embarrassed at having over reacted and made themselves look daft.  Telling them they must be stupid, or have had a humour transplant, for failing to see the joke, is simply downright provocative because it adds insult and humiliation to embarrassment.  This is truly tricky stuff, as I have discovered, and continue to learn!  :-)

It is highly politic to be careful what one writes, to read it back before submitting, to check its spelling for inadvertant wrong word use, and to clearly signal when humour is intended.  And even after all that, it can still blow up in yer face!  Be warned!  :-D

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Brian , I have read your posts on subjects many times and many times thought the advice you give is very thorough and very helpful to many , without people like you who give such advice to novices like me ( 4 years motorhoming ) it would be obviously more difficult to gain the answers we require . I have to say that I have never come on here to cause aggro as you put it . I am also sure I have made no attempt to cause offence . I certainly also have not called anybody stupid etc as you put it . What I did was make an attempt at a very low level joke , an obvious joke . Im also aware that we all have different senses of humour . I think Brian in all honesty what the real problem was that the subject was one of our modern no go politically correct areas , homosexuality . Had I been joking about glass wearers , gingers or overweight folk etc then there would of been absolutely no problem . If you didnt like the joke then im sure you didnt laugh at it , but a joke is all it was , an obvious joke

To come on this forum and start shouting real homophobic hatred you truly would have to be bonkers for obvious reasons that you would be legally up the swanny and also that the good folk on here would not put up with it . So please credit me with a little intelligence

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Brian Kirby - 2010-12-23 7:06 PM p>

It is highly politic to be careful what one writes, to read it back before submitting, to check its spelling for inadvertant wrong word use, and to clearly signal when humour is intended.  And even after all that, it can still blow up in yer face!  Be warned!  :-D

Brian, was that a tongue-in-the-cheek spelling mistake then? Tut,tut, not like you!! (This is meant jokingly too) :-D :-D
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antony1969 - 2010-12-23 9:26 AM


peter , ya want to be careful , the easily offended among us may take offence on behalf of any dentists who may not be reading

The post you refer to has been pulled. It was a joke about two dentists called Ben Doon & Phil Mcavity, by the way. :D
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antony1969 - 2010-12-23 9:18 PM



To come on this forum and start shouting real homophobic hatred you truly would have to be bonkers for obvious reasons that you would be legally up the swanny and also that the good folk on here would not put up with it . SO PLEASE CREDIT ME WITH A LITTLE INTELLIGENCE

O/K antony, you have little intelligence. :D
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Anthony ! take a chill pill :-D

have you noticed that markandmark havent posted ?...maybe a wind up?

and you havent been using emoticons (?) after being told about them ;-)

maybe your a wind up (?)

also the mods know its spamming cos of there IP address, its not about legallity 8-)

im a mod on a another scuba site ... but i will stand corrected if the mod on here will reply to the contrary :-D



ps.. i do credit you with a little intelligence :D


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Patricia - 2010-12-23 9:33 PM
Brian Kirby - 2010-12-23 7:06 PM p>

It is highly politic to be careful what one writes, to read it back before submitting, to check its spelling for inadvertant wrong word use, and to clearly signal when humour is intended.  And even after all that, it can still blow up in yer face!  Be warned!  :-D

Brian, was that a tongue-in-the-cheek spelling mistake then? Tut,tut, not like you!! (This is meant jokingly too) :-D :-D

Well spotted Patricia.  Inadvertent it is, and the bleedin' spell checker (in this case, me! :-)) somehow missed it!  Whatever, Happy Christmas!  :-D

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In this Politically Correct World ,I cant Blame anyone for watching their backs ,and withdrawing anything slightly in doubt,  I think the Majority of Sensible People take things with a Pinch of salt as they say, but there are those that for no other reason than wanting to stand out from the crowd, Pick up the least out of kilter phrase /saying /statement.and I think it all started with the Robinson's Jam Mascot ,and that's all it was a mascot ,till someone decided it looked like someone they knew and took offence to it, all this has now come from it,  long to get back to the sensible days of Banter,   Rock on Warner,s
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For the record, I strenuously refute any and all allegations of prejudice.

When I was very much smaller and younger than I now am, one of my favourite soft toys was a Golliwog, made for me by an Aunt.  It was gaily attired.  So that demolishes at least three possible charges.  One of my little playmates was Jewish, so that makes four down.  When I was a bit older I went on school exchanges to France, where I still have friends, and generally like the French, so that is five down.  So, on grounds of race, colour, creed, gender or sexual orientation, I claim total freedom from prejudice.  :-D

Finally, in the interests of inclusiveness, and without prejudice to your systems of beliefs, I wish you all a very happy Winter Solstice Feast, whenever or wherever you choose to celebrate it, and may your God go with you.  :-)

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The banter on here on the Gay subject was no more offensive than the stuff you would see on a carry on film on a Sunday afternoon on mainstream TV . Films that were made 30 / 40 years ago . Truth is some folk like to witter and moan over nothin and I have concluded on here there are many such people . Merry Christmas to everyone though
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Brian Kirby - 2010-12-24 4:20 PM

For the record, I strenuously refute any and all allegations of prejudice.

When I was very much smaller and younger than I now am, one of my favourite soft toys was a Golliwog, made for me by an Aunt.  It was gaily attired.  So that demolishes at least three possible charges.  One of my little playmates was Jewish, so that makes four down.  When I was a bit older I went on school exchanges to France, where I still have friends, and generally like the French, so that is five down.  So, on grounds of race, colour, creed, gender or sexual orientation, I claim total freedom from prejudice.  :-D

Finally, in the interests of inclusiveness, and without prejudice to your systems of beliefs, I wish you all a very happy Winter Solstice Feast, whenever or wherever you choose to celebrate it, and may your God go with you.  :-)

Cor Blimey Brian you, you Wordsmith you, very elegantly side stepped and fleeted around all pitfalls, remind me not to brandish words with you ........Mate.


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