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Censorship again


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Clive - 2010-12-27 10:33 PM


The potential problem here is that none of us actually know our audience.


Thats's my point precisely Clive. Nor is it a potential problem, it's a very real one.


On an open internet forum, it's impossible to know the audience and there will always be folk who don't or can't be bothered to monitor what they actually tap out on the keyboard.


There'll be some who think they monitor their words, but come from the "I speak my mind" dark ages train of thought.


That said there'll always be folk who do try to post responsibly and therefore redress the balance. But it won't on occasion balance it quite enough for the mods.



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Mark - a new forum-member who happened to be gay - asked a reasonable motorcaravanning-related question and was then treated like the Invisible Man.


Similar questions have been asked on this forum in the past and have been answered politely. In this instance there was neither politeness nor kindness, just a general discussion on gayness, some uninformed semantic observations and a 4th-class 'joke' that I first heard over 50 years ago. Finally the Moderator took action, but the chances are nil that Mark will participate on this forum again.





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Derek Uzzell - 2010-12-28 9:35 AM


Mark - a new forum-member who happened to be gay - asked a reasonable motorcaravanning-related question and was then treated like the Invisible Man.


Similar questions have been asked on this forum in the past and have been answered politely. In this instance there was neither politeness nor kindness, just a general discussion on gayness, some uninformed semantic observations and a 4th-class 'joke' that I first heard over 50 years ago. Finally the Moderator took action, but the chances are nil that Mark will participate on this forum again.





You have summed this up perfectly and more eloquently than I could.


These were exactly my thoughts and the reasons why I asked the moderators to remove the threads - which they may have intended to do anyway.

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-12-28 9:35 AM


Mark - a new forum-member who happened to be gay - asked a reasonable motorcaravanning-related question and was then treated like the Invisible Man.


Similar questions have been asked on this forum in the past and have been answered politely. In this instance there was neither politeness nor kindness, just a general discussion on gayness, some uninformed semantic observations and a 4th-class 'joke' that I first heard over 50 years ago. Finally the Moderator took action, but the chances are nil that Mark will participate on this forum again.



Classic " not knowng your audience" then in my view.


I have friends who I know I'd be wasting my time raising such a topic, (being gay) and others who'd welcome it.


That's knowing your audience.


I welcomed Mark & Mark. Why wouldn't I? If I had strong anti gay views, I wouldn't raise them here, what would be the point? Or if I was pro gay for that matter.


The big loss here in my view and one that Derek alludes to, is the near certainty of Mark never posting again.


Coming from a Social Work background, I find this thread quite fascinating.



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Oh Martyn!

"Social Work background" Oh dear!. All my experience of this aspect of life is that those within it don,t seem to live in the real world. Take my mother-in-law (please) 95 and has carers twice a day as she insists on living alone out in the sticks. Carers don,t seem to understand the concept of time keeping or getting out of bed inthe morning. The agency they work for use the weather as an excuse for not turning up and might phone MIL to say they cannot come. But they start 5 miles away from her and cannot make it although I start 39 miles away and can and frequently do when they fail. The system compounds this poor performance as MIL only gets any deduction in her fee from the council if the carers miss a full week. What a system!.


Then there is my grandson (17) who is severely Autistic. I have sat in several meetings with the authorities and special school reps and never will anybody make a decision at these meetings. What a way to run a system. Call people together and not make any decisions.


Then I remember at work a few years back the HR (Personell) manager retired and they took on a up and comming thrusting woman who I bumped into one day in the corridor. I had no idea who she was so I challenged her and asked who she was. I then asked what her background was and she replied "I was in charge of a large social support network" she replied. "Oh" said I, "thats not a good start". "Who did you work for" I then asked, "Harringey Council" she answered. And I said "I will give you a month in a commercial environment". I was wrong she lasted two.


Perhaps I have a jaundiced view of these "do-gooders".


What was the question?





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spospe - 2010-12-28 11:09 AM


We seem to be drifting off the subject ............. again ;-)


If the 'subject' is removal of threads from this forum without explanation, then I don't know why you bother repeating yourself. You've raised the issue several times before and each time there's been a comprehensive explanation for why this happens, including responses from Warners spokespersons.


The original threads deserved to be removed not just because they clearly conflicted with Warners' Terms of Use but because they were unnecessarily rude. Sprinkling postings with smiley-faces doesn't magically transform lack of respect and puerile jokes into good manners and sparkling wit.


I suggested to the Moderator that this thread also be deleted and I notice that a token sanitisation effort was made by removing Peter's initial 'dentists quip' posting, but this reappeared soon after and still lives on.


I assume the Moderator has now lost heart (or interest) and, as long as forum members don't put Warners into the legal firing-line, it looks like they can say what they like however much their comments may harm other members' feelings.

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"We seem to be drifting off the subject ............. again" Yup, thats fine with me. Just like a bunch of people having a chinwag in a pub, the conversation follows a diverse path. I would rather do this than go back to the original original topic as I believe that a Motorhome forum is not a vehicle to be used to promote such minority agenda,s.






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Clive - 2010-12-28 12:45 PM


"We seem to be drifting off the subject ............. again" Yup, thats fine with me. Just like a bunch of people having a chinwag in a pub, the conversation follows a diverse path. I would rather do this than go back to the original original topic as I believe that a Motorhome forum is not a vehicle to be used to promote such minority agenda,s.









I do not always agree with you Clive but this post hit the nail firmly and squarely on the head.

The op Marks first words were to promote his sexual preferences and he did not want to include anyone else this seems ok with some but when the boot is on the other foot its not IE; if someone posted they wanted to meet up with people but no gays ,dual standards again

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A few of you have asked is this a wind up as mandm have not been heard since there controversial post one or two have been worried that we have frit them off and they may never come back again you have all been making comments and they are sitting back proberley laughing at all the people that have been taken in by it this is sad because there may be genuine people out there You have been HAD
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Mickydripin - 2011-01-01 12:05 AM


A few of you have asked is this a wind up as mandm have not been heard since there controversial post one or two have been worried that we have frit them off and they may never come back again you have all been making comments and they are sitting back proberley laughing at all the people that have been taken in by it this is sad because there may be genuine people out there You have been HAD


Always a possibility, though it's more usual for provocateurs to continue to engage with forum-members for as long as they can get away with it rather than 'snipe'. Genuine or wind-up, it's probable that Mark&mark is laughing at the effect of his postings on this forum, and I certainly found the episode educatiional.


Anyway, never mind that - how are you getting on?

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Guest Tracker
Derek Uzzell - 2011-01-01 9:14 AM


(?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)


Does that mean educational or questionable Derek?


Happy New Year!

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Derek Uzzell - 2011-01-01 9:13 AM


Mickydripin - 2011-01-01 12:05 AM


A few of you have asked is this a wind up as mandm have not been heard since there controversial post one or two have been worried that we have frit them off and they may never come back again you have all been making comments and they are sitting back proberley laughing at all the people that have been taken in by it this is sad because there may be genuine people out there You have been HAD


Always a possibility, though it's more usual for provocateurs to continue to engage with forum-members for as long as they can get away with it rather than 'snipe'. Genuine or wind-up, it's probable that Mark&mark is laughing at the effect of his postings on this forum, and I certainly found the episode educatiional.


Anyway, never mind that - how are you getting on?


In some ways I hope it WAS a wind up, as I would hate to think that they were genuine and have been put off by comments on the forum. :-S

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nowtelse2do - 2011-01-01 1:25 PM

After a couple of exchanged pm's with marknmark, they did say it was a genuine thread, so I've no reason to disbelieve them. 

In my last pm to them I said to keep with the forum because of a lot of good advice and help that they would receive from the members.


well said and done Dave :D
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Tracker - 2011-01-01 10:44 AM


Derek Uzzell - 2011-01-01 9:14 AM


(?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)


Does that mean educational or questionable Derek?


Happy New Year!


Doesn't mean anything really. My original posting seemed to disappear (I guess it was the page-changing that gave that impression) so I re-submitted it, which, of course, meant a double posting. So I cleared the text from the 2nd one and stuck some question-marks in rather than just leave it empty.


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

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There are many on this site who are doing there best to keep the image of caravan and motorhome owners as a drab , dull , boring lot . How anybody can find Peters " Dentist " joke offensive is beyond my understanding . Nobody in my view has said anything to offend , belittle or give the slightest hint of dislike of homosexuals . I personally would much rather park next to and welcome Mark and Mark on site and be in there company than any of the people on here who have complained , moaned or called people " Bigots " over nothing . There is a difference between humour and hatred and anybody with an ounce of intelligence should be able to distinguish between the two without the aid of emoticons
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antony1969 - 2011-01-02 4:32 PM


747 , That my friend is funny , its only the humour and ferrets and flat caps that keep me here .


You left out Whippets Antony.


I find that extremely hurtful and will now find another forum where members are no so hurtful. :-(


Hi Tracker,


When I can think of a humorous comment for Norfolk, I will get back to you. I might need help, I can always try google I suppose. :D

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