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Censorship again


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As a prospective motorhomer I have been exploring the various forums trying to learn a little bit before my partner and I buy a campervan. However, I am gay. I have no choice in this matter, it’s how nature has made me. I do not flaunt it and Francis and I are both professional men who contribute to society.


I have been viewing the posts on here and saw the one from Mark and Mark and watched the response with interest and eventually with horrified amazement and thought that, in the motorhoming fraternity that time has somehow stood still.


Despite all the protestations, the deleted thread was appalling and disgusting and made me ashamed of the Neanderthals who feel that cheap jokes and nasty digs at gay people are acceptable. The forum’s owner did the right thing in deleting it.


Anthony1969 says that ‘intelligent people’ could not be offended by any of the posts. Perhaps he missed the post by one man in which gays were described as ‘turd burglars’. I apologise for repeating this disgusting obscenity but it is the only way that I can really show the depths to which the debate sank. Now we have that same person saying how he agrees with Anthony1969’s post that there was nothing to cause offence to ‘intelligent’ people.


Typical was one from a member called Tracker, who claimed that ‘most’ of the people he worked with who had ‘homosexual tendencies’ were quite nice people! Well, how terribly condescending of him!


But what really defines the closet homophobe, is the complaints about the ‘hijacking’ of the word ‘gay’ and again Mr. Tracker, with similar sensitivity said that gay men only used this description because ’they had no balls’.


No one who ever comes up with this old chestnut ever complains about the hijacking of the words ‘puff’ or ‘queer’ or ‘fag’ or any of the other offensive and derogatory synonyms that I had to endure many years ago. Presumably they’re acceptable and it’s been OK to hijack these words?


‘Homosexual’ is a clinical Greek/Latin term that can be applied equally to males or females who are attracted to the same sex, and what’s wrong with people wishing to have a more friendly and sympathetic name?


Apart from which, whoever used it anyway? When it was ‘hijacked’ it was in the same league as ‘cripes’and ‘spiffing’ and was only ever used in Bertie Wooster novels.


No, those who can find something to complain about in the 'hijacking' of ‘gay’ simply show that their dislike of gay men and women is real, despite their condescending utterances about how most people with these ‘tendencies’ are quite nice really!


No matter what anyone says, and the ones moaning are those simply trying to excuse their own disgraceful behaviour, the thread that has been deleted was a bigoted, homophobic and often obscene example of those who are not intelligent and are so thick that they are unable to understand that we are no longer living in1950.


I resisted the urge to post several times during this homophobic episode but this last self-serving post from Anthony1969 has pushed me over the edge. How anyone could not understand how offensive some of the posts were is unbelievable. They are obviously not offensive to the more caveman types on this site but that is not the point. It’s whether they are offensive to gays that matters, but Anthony1969, who complains of people’s intelligence, isn’t bright enough to work that out. I can assure you, that they were offensive to me and to my partner and I truly hope that, when we buy a campervan, that the people that we hope to meet with on sites and possibly at rallies, are not the kind of people exemplified by a small number of the men on this forum.




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Francis , If I was gay and made a gay joke would that still be offensive ? or " HORRIFIC " as you put it . Fancy using " HORRIFIC " to use describe a joke . HORRIFIC I would use to describe " the holocaust " or "Rwandan slaughters " or " IRA murders " not to describe a joke , but I suppose it sums up perfectly the over the top reaction to this thread
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its handbags at dawn again :D


I apologise for the t***d b***lar remark it was removed straight away as I know many gays have no sense of humour what i should have said was


bugger, sodomist, sodomite, sod - someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)



not my opinion the dictionarys

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Have resisted joining in as felt this thread had drifted well away from motorhome related topics, but can stay silent no longer. Just want to say some of us are not Daily Mail readers who regard gay people, black people, assylum seekers etc as the enemy within. We are happy to call ourselves liberals (with a small l) and no we have not had a sense of humour bypass.
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jhorsf - 2011-01-02 7:44 PM


.....................................not my opinion the dictionarys



And "dictionarys" should have an '


For goodness sake get over yourselves and let us get back to motorhome matters or get this moved to where it belongs: in the bl**dy dustbin.


Happy New Year!!!!!

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Guest Tracker

Hi Francisgraham and welcome to the forum. I know that for many it takes some courage to make your first posting so well done for that. You might have picked a less thorny subject though!


The age old problem is that with the written word what one person reads into someone elses words is not always what someone else would read and often not at all what the writer intended. That is why there are so many misunderstandings on here.


That said, I will simply say that none of my postings on this topic were made with intent to offend and that you chose to take offence and quote out of context is your problem not mine.


At the risk of being non pc why should those of us who enjoy a heterosexual lifestyle be preached at by someone with a homosexual lifestyle trying to justify his own lifestyle?


I find it offensive when those who seek to justify or glorify their particular lifestyle endeavour to do so by trying to impose acceptance by political correctness on the rest of us.


I take all people at face value and will befriend or help anyone who acts in a friendly manner but I don't feel inclined to accept such comments from someone with what seems like such a huge chip on his shoulder.


I realise that by being non PC this thread will probably be withdrawn too but if Francisgraham wants to leave it at that I will be happy to help with his motorhoming ambitions if I am able from my meagre experience.


Anyway Happy New Year and I look forward to your participation on other topics. By the look of it you may well be able to offer some different perspectives which it is of course your right to voice.


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Guest Tracker
747 - 2011-01-02 4:56 PM


I find that extremely hurtful and will now find another forum where members are no so hurtful. :-(


Hi Tracker,


When I can think of a humorous comment for Norfolk, I will get back to you. I might need help, I can always try google I suppose. :D


You need a 'Political correctness' forum where noone say anything in case it offends someone else - it would probably be a very quiet forum but with lots of members!


My GP - a Vietnamese / Austalian with a fantastic sense of humour - well he needs one dealing with me - reckons that he has to put the initials 'NFN' on many patient's notes - NFN meaning 'normal - for Norfolk'!


Hope that helps!

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Tracker - 2011-01-02 8:43 PM


The age old problem is that with the written word what one person reads into someone elses words is not always what someone else would read and often not at all what the writer intended. That is why there are so many misunderstandings on here.


That said, and for the benefit of Francisgraham I will simply say that none of my postings on this topic were made with intent to offend and that he chose to take offence and quote out of context is his problem not mine.


At the risk of being non pc why should those of us who enjoy a heterosexual lifestyle be preached at by someone with a homosexual lifestyle trying to justify his own lifestyle.


I find it offensive when those who seek to justify or glorify that particular lifestyle endeavour to do so by trying to impose acceptance by political correctness on the rest of us.


I take all people at face value and will befriend or help anyone who acts in a friendly manner but I don't feel inclined to tolerate such comments from someone with such a huge chip on his shoulder.


I realise that by being non PC this thread will probably be withdrawn too but if Francisgraham wants to leave it at that I will be happy to help with his motorhoming ambitions if I am able from my meagre experience.





Well Tracker you just grew some :D


I do not always agree with you but spot on this time

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Oh damn! I was hoping to find the original post to reply to but it isn't here.




From memory, the post asked a question that was bound to cause problems.... We the participants on this forum are motorhomers, but also a reasonable cross section of society...... So, there is going to be those who don't mind the single sex situation, those that do, and those that don't give a damn. Along with, of course, others in-between.


Need I say more.......




It is a motorhome forum...


Lets keep it that way.



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Tracker - 2011-01-02 8:43 PM


The age old problem is that with the written word what one person reads into someone elses words is not always what someone else would read and often not at all what the writer intended. That is why there are so many misunderstandings on here.


That said, and for the benefit of Francisgraham I will simply say that none of my postings on this topic were made with intent to offend and that he chose to take offence and quote out of context is his problem not mine.


At the risk of being non pc why should those of us who enjoy a heterosexual lifestyle be preached at by someone with a homosexual lifestyle trying to justify his own lifestyle.


I find it offensive when those who seek to justify or glorify that particular lifestyle endeavour to do so by trying to impose acceptance by political correctness on the rest of us.


I take all people at face value and will befriend or help anyone who acts in a friendly manner but I don't feel inclined to tolerate such comments from someone with such a huge chip on his shoulder.



I realise that by being non PC this thread will probably be withdrawn too but if Francisgraham wants to leave it at that I will be happy to help with his motorhoming ambitions if I am able from my meagre experience.



I suppose I should thank some of you, especially jhorsf, for proving what I suspected in the first place.


This post however, exemplifies, without's jhorsf's crudity, exactly what I meant to convey.


By Mr. Tracker:


'At the risk of being non pc why should those of us who enjoy a heterosexual lifestyle be preached at by someone with a homosexual lifestyle trying to justify his own lifestyle. '


Where have I tried to justify my lifestyle? Why should I need to justify my lifestyle? Do you need to justify yours?




'I find it offensive when those who seek to justify or glorify that particular lifestyle endeavour to do so by trying to impose acceptance by political correctness on the rest of us.'


Glorify my lifestyle? Are you on something? The truth is that you simply do not like gays and that you really do object to us. You are complaining that you think that someone is trying to impose their lifestyle on to you. I do not wish to impose my lifestyle on anyone. I don't know any other people, gay or straight who want to impose their lifestyles on others.


Like most people, all I want to do is to live my life peacefully and not find myself the butt of obscene and homophobic 'humour' from what appears to be a bunch of people who have stepped out of the 1950s.


Next by Tracker:


'I take all people at face value and will befriend or help anyone who acts in a friendly manner but I don't feel inclined to tolerate such comments from someone with such a huge chip on his shoulder.'


Chip on my shoulder? I had nothing on my shoulder until I read the comments on this forum from you and your friends.


For your interest I have had a couple of private messages, both supportive, one who has publicly told me and one who has simply sent me a message. This is from him. It has given me hope that not everyone on this forum is an ill-educated, anti-gay Neanderthal.


It was headed 'Another Forum' and after dealing with some members of this forum, I suspect that it's where I shall be headed.


This is what he said:


'Well said that man. There must be so many glad to see someone brave enough to voice that.


Forget the bigots on here where the chat tends to be between a clicky few who loves seeing their names, and opinions in print. Although the traffic is much slower try Motorhome xxxx Forum where we pride ourselves on being friendly and concentrating on topics of real use to motorhomers. It might take a bit longer to get your answers but I promise they will be worth reading and won't care what your private life includes unless you want it to.


I am a member on the Motorhome xxxxxx Forum and can assure you that, in the xx years that it has run, nobody has needed talking to the way this mob deserve. See you there? '



Finally, I am deeply ashamed that people with some of the opinions and views shown above are allowed on any forum. As I said, all I want to do is to live my life with prejudice of the type shown on here by a small number of you.


I shall not be returning, just one person like Tracker or jhorsf is enough but there appears to be others as well and it is simply unacceptable I'm afraid.


My visit to this forum has deeply depressed me and made me worry about the tolerance that I thought had become the norm. Not here it hasn't.


Good bye.







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Tolerance (of anything) takes a long time to happen.


I am struggling to get my tolerance back after walking into a public toilet a few weeks ago and getting a big surprise at the two gay men who were busy in there.


Nobody holds the moral high ground, all groups are a mix of the good and bad in society. I would prefer this thread to be pulled as it is not going anywhere and does no good to the forum.



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antony1969 - 2011-01-02 10:42 PM


Ian , whats bovered ? face ? mean please ? , I would ask my 6 year old son but hes gone to bed , thanks


What I meant was that I am completely ambivalent about the message being made public. I contacted Francisgraham by PM purely because I didn't wish to be associated to the witch hunt that this completely unworthy thread seems to be heading into.


As I posted earlier I think this thread now belongs in the rubbish bin!

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