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Censorship again


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Just to remind you all, my original post on this thread was to ask what you thought about threads vanishing without any explanation.


Would you like to see some comment by the moderators? Would you like to see unacceptable threads locked? Do you like the 1984-type policy of having threads disappearing without trace?


Yes, I know about Warners acceptable use policy.


My question stands.


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spospe - 2011-01-03 10:14 AM


Just to remind you all, my original post on this thread was to ask what you thought about threads vanishing without any explanation.


Would you like to see some comment by the moderators? Would you like to see unacceptable threads locked? Do you like the 1984-type policy of having threads disappearing without trace?


Yes, I know about Warners acceptable use policy.


My question stands.


I'd prefer forum members to be able to control themselves so that there'd be no need for the Moderator to delete threads. But, as that won't happen I'm very happy to have a Big Brother regime on this forum.

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spospe - 2011-01-03 10:14 AM


Just to remind you all, my original post on this thread was to ask what you thought about threads vanishing without any explanation.


Would you like to see some comment by the moderators? Would you like to see unacceptable threads locked? Do you like the 1984-type policy of having threads disappearing without trace?


Yes, I know about Warners acceptable use policy.


My question stands.



1) Yes I would like to see a comment by the moderators but I assume that they would just say that " this thread does not meet the acceptable use policy" which I doubt would satisfy anyone.


2) No I wouldn't like to see unacceptable threads locked, I prefer them to disappear. I haven't seen any threads disappear that I thought should have been preserved.


3) If Warners had, what you call a " 1984- type policy " there wouldn't be a forum as views of any sort would not be allowed.




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Derek Uzzell - 2011-01-03 10:21 AM


I'd prefer forum members to be able to control themselves so that there'd be no need for the Moderator to delete threads. But, as that won't happen I'm very happy to have a Big Brother regime on this forum.



Couldn't put it better than that.

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Guest Tracker

Oh dear oh dear - here we go again!


Francisgraham's attempts to not justify his lifestyle do make me smile and as humour is probably the best cure for many conditions let us hope that a sense of humour implant is soon available for him - meanwhile my thanks for the entertainment!


The forum is, I think, best served by not responding further to his views.

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I didn't see how the 2 'markandmark' threads finished, and from some of the postings on here I'm glad I didn't as it seems that they went way over the top and out of order, becoming very derogatory.


As has been said many times, everyone is entitled to their view, however, they should also bear in mind that sometimes their view, when expressed, can hurt others, whether intentional or not. I would therefore urge forum members to think about what they 'say' on the forum and whether it is appropriate to be said at all and/or in the way they have said it, hopefully then some of the 'misunderstandings' would not arise and offence would not be caused. It won't be perfect, but it would help.


Obviously it is up to forum members whether they take my suggestion on board or not, but I'm sure we would all benefit from everyone doing so.



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Mel B - 2011-01-03 12:34 PM

As has been said many times, everyone is entitled to their view, however, they should also bear in mind that sometimes their view, when expressed, can hurt others, whether intentional or not.



My thoughts exactly Mel.


Posts which cause offence, intentional or not, cause offence, period, end of story.


Justifying said posts, by responding such as, get a life, get a sense of humour, do gooders, politically correct nonsense etc etc, does not make them ok.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, know your audience. And before anyone asks well how can we, it's the internet, it's an open forum, that's the whole ruddy point - you can't know the audience, so don't post what may cause offence. Post neutrally, or at least try your best to.


Some folk who post on here wouldn't last 5 minutes in a modern workplace, they'd be dismissed on the spot. It's obvious some have been out of the workplace for X number of years and frankly are out of touch with up to date legislation concerning harassment.



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antony1969 - 2011-01-03 1:17 PM


Lord Thornber , The original posting was for a " Gay Only " site . Does this not count as causing offence in your world


Hi Antony, if by original posting you mean Mark&Marks, no it didn't cause me any offence. I responded to the post with a welcome to the Forum.


I hope that helps.



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Guest JudgeMental
francisgraham - 2011-01-02 9:15 PM


My visit to this forum has deeply depressed me and made me worry about the tolerance that I thought had become the norm. Not here it hasn't.



Hi Francis and welcome to the forum? Are you seriously suggesting that because a VERY few have disgraceful views and ideas as to what constitutes humour, that this site is not worth visiting? I suggest if you look around, and you will be hard pressed to find a more generous, enthusiastic and open minded bunch of people willing to help with motorhome and travel matters...


I feel the same way as you regards Tracker, he is an awful person, but unlikely to change...I just ignore him along with his despicable and ignorant Buddy's who are well catered for in this thread


I will finish buy saying its not really fair to publish a communication sent by PM?and why this thread has not been moved to chatterbox is also beyond me.......


we managed to scare of the other gay guys, but I still have my reservations regards where there intentions genuine in the first place...Stick around it can be fun! :-D



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antony1969 - 2011-01-03 1:17 PM


Lord Thornber , The original posting was for a " Gay Only " site . Does this not count as causing offence in your world


Is that any different to someone wanting info an 'adults only' site, or a 'dogs allowed' site?


How about asking about any groups for 'singletons'?


Personally, I really can't see why a simple question for information should offend ....



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Trying to recall the original threads, I don't recall that they were actually asking for gay ONLY sites - I thought they were asking for people who are gay to go camping with which is a different thing entirely.


If I were to ask if there were any sites which EXCLUDE children is that permitted or would that get the wrath of some forum members? (... thinking about it, yes it probably would! :-S ).

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Although these discussions are at time offensive, they nonetheless allow one to question/analyse one's own views.


Recently some gay friends stated they were having a dinner party near to where I live. They mentioned that I was not invited, (they are good friends).They stated that the persons who were attending were gay.

I was not in the least offended as they were attempting to be considerate to my wife and I. We are not prudes but clearly it could create difficult topics of conversation at times and they may have to be on their guard.


I took the original post to be as Mel stated.

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hawcara , why would anything said by your gay friends be offensive to you . what topic would be difficult to digest . Either you accept gays or you dont . Your post is the biggest nonsense posted on here on this subject and Mel we are told to be all inclusive in this world which I think most of us are . I find a gay only site offensive , imagine anyone coming on here asking for a hetrosexual site only or white site , that person would be slaughtered
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It is not a question of being an acceptor of something or not. It is that they wished the company of like minded individuals, we were not, in that sense but tolerant/understanding of a viewpoint.

I will stop at this point as I was merely trying to illustrate that which Mel was alluding to.

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hawcara I am not tryin to be awkward but your statements on this really do stink of double standards . Had you not invited your gay friends to an evening with straight friends because you did not want to upset them , I am sure they would of been offended and quite rightly so . A big part of this debate has been about acceptance , I accept totally someone who is gay , no problem . I do not accept a gay only site or really a gay only evening , It stinks of double standards and is precisely the point a lot of people have been making on here
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Guest Tracker

Some interesting comments and quite a bit of posturing on the subject of homosexuality methinks?


There is nothing like a bit of controversy to bring out those who feel the need to establish both their own high levels of political correctness and their own supremely tolerant views and I find the whole posturing process of otherwise normal people highly amusing - thanks guys!


Then there are the unpleasant people like Judgemental who never misses the chance to manufacture an opportunity to have a go at me - but as long as it amuses him I don't really mind as it does rather show him in a poor light!


Just for the record - I have no problems with homosexuals - it is their choice and their right - and as long as what they do in their lives does not affect or offend me in any way, and I have never yet been offended by any that I have come into contact with in real life, live and let live.


What I do find hard to accept is the continual justifications and attempts or cravings for acceptance?


Equally unpleasant to me is the ongoing bombardment from media and politicians seeking normalisation for homosexuality in the form of homosexual 'weddings' and adoptions as well as the subversion of young people in believing it to be normal.


Come on get real - call it what you want but surely a same sex 'union' can never truly be called a wedding without risking a devaluation of proper heterosexual marriages.


Or am I wrong - perhaps homosexuality is as normal a human trait as heterosexuality after all - now wouldn't that be an interesting perspective!

Anyone care to comment?


Can we not all just live together without all the bitching and backbiting?

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