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extension cable

big olga

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Hi, The snow and ice has melted at last; So it is now time to look at "Big Olga"again.

I connected the van up to the power cable from the house, I used the socket tester which told me that live and n were reversed!

So I checked the whole system After a long search I discovered that the new caravan power lead had been wired up-- cross wired!

The next thing to do is open the socket up and rewire one wire; sounds simple!there is a lock and unlock on the body of the socket but I can,t shift it to rewire!

Q. does anyone know how to unlock these sockets?

I enclose a picture. Many Thanks Dave.


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ok, change my post from "usually you....", to just stick a screw driver in the gap between the lugs to force apart and then twist the two bodies apart. You need to be strong and watch the blade does not slip. Will help if you warm the parts a bit.


edit - I typed bobies not bodies so corrected!! Maybe bobies is a better term!

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Or cut the old socket with off a foot or two of lead left attached and fit a new one at which point you can fit a new plug end to the short cable et voila you have a ready made p reverse polarity correcting cable for use abroad - best to clearly mark is as what is though?
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Hi, A big thank you to everyone who helped.

I did the screw driver trick ,it worked a treat!

I changed the cables around on the female socket; you just pull up the plastic plugs with a small screw driver; this releases the cables so you can swap them over, then just push the plastic plugs down again. Job Done!

I will be contacting the firm that supplied the cable.


I am so glad I joined this Forum. "Motorcaravanners do it together!"


Best Wishes Dave and "Big Olga"

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Whatever you do, PLEASE fully unroll your lead and spread it out a bit before you use it in earnest on a hook-up. It is surprising just how hot a reel of cable can get when in use and all coiled up.

My son is an electrician, and he found out the hard way when using a coiled lead to supply a small fan heater. (I know, he should have known better!!) He said the coil was hotter than the fan heater.

It is an obvious fire risk, and one of my pet hates at camp-sites. So easily avoided.

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