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having recently bought a 'pre-swift' Autocruise Starburst, I joined the 'owners website' http://www.theautocruisers.com/index.html

With High Hopes of chatting about our vans, where to source those 'hard to find' Autocruise CH spares, (as Swift seems to be totally Indifferant 'Spares wise' to any vehicle manufactured before 2008, and Even though 'Trading on the good name' almost deny any history before 2008 when they bought it ?). However the whole website (autocruisers) appears to be like the 'Marie Celeste' floating in the Ether(net) with signs of previous activity (in 2009 !!) but hardly any recently

8-) 8-) spooky ! However if any Autocruise owner fancies chatting about 'Stuff' that would bore users of other make vans, please join me as a visitor on the other site as well. As it's getting very lonely. Hope this doesn't 'upset' the admin ;-) of this site ?

My 'Monika' is Duke of Earl (as in the old 60's pop song) my first van, a 1988 Autosleeper Talisman was called 'the Duchess' hence 'the Duke'.

Eager to ask questions (and hopefully answer some too) about all things 'Autocruise'. Regards Ray (aka Duke of Earl) :D

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I too joined The Autocruisers website and like you was really dissapointed as there seemed to be no useage on it..I even e-mailled the organiser and still got nothing..Strange really you would think a highly respected make (as you say pre Swift) would be thronging to the site!! Oh well!!
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We also have an Autocruise (Wentworth). We joined the club and even went on 1 rally. Since then all interest seems to have been lost by the organisers. Must be keeping out of our way. It is a pity realy as the other owners clubs seem to be going OK.



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As a "proper" Autocruise (pre-Swift) owner, we joined The Autocruisers when we bought our first Autocruise new, in 2000 and then traded in for a new Valentine in 2004, which we still have.

We were club members for one year only, as the club was run from the North East, and most rallies were on the East side of the country, too far to travel for a couple of nights.

The Secretary was Shiela Lennie, and looking at the website, Lance Lennie appears to be rally secretary, and they lived north of Newcastle, but I have no record of the address. The website show a full programme of rallies for 2010, so must still exist. I suggest that you try using the "contact us" on the website, but you have probably done this already.

I am keen supporter of the original Autocruise vans, and would be happy to discuss them at any time.

The new Bentley Motorhomes are being built by the boys who stared Autocruise, and continued to work under Swift afer the take-over. However they were unable to accept the changes being made by Swift, and left the company, 3years ago, returning to the business this year and looking at the new vans, the old build quality is there.

All the best

Ken :-)

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Hi, We have a 2008 starblazer, which was one of the last from Autocruise (so I am told). Very happy with it except for the dreaded gearbox problem, allegedly fixed by Pug, .


No problem going forward, but still shows tendency to vibrate going back, but better than it was.

Only criticism now is the radio interference caused by the control box radiating and upsetting Amateur Radio frequencies. With Clives help, I found the contact at the box manufacturers and got some heavier screened cable which reduces the racket, to tolerable levels, and a spare panel for which I made up a short lead to reduce the interference even more.


Happy to talk AC anytime, but never bothered with owners club.




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The problem with the X250 gearbox is the reason I bought a 'Pre-X250' Autocruise, we could have bought a 'New' new one, but wouldn't take the chance. We are very pleased with it, and won't be changing it anytime soon, (at least 10 years) we have had it waxoyled. It (starburst) has everything we wanted , Reasonable size: 6 metres (20') 3500 kg, but with good load margin 739 kg. Good useable Shower, Winterized (inboard) water tank, Eberspacher Heating (en Route) and hot water, both with electric elements, Good quality build and very innovative design features. Very happy with it, the cab is draughty(even more than our old Talbot !) but the 'En-Route' heating makes up for it. And having power steering is a delight. Ray

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Rayjsj - 2010-12-29 1:34 PM

the cab is draughty Ray


Ray - Try sealing over the air vent panels in the lower door and in the trailing edge of the door (below the locking mechanism and hidden when closed) as these are a major source of unwanted wind!

Some will say that you should not do this as it allows condensate to form and could cause rust but a good squirt of old engine oil in the lower door should alleviate that - if indeed it is a risk and not just scaremongering!

Also the wind howls in where the seat belts emerge from the door pillars and this I cured by judicious use of deep pile carpet offcuts which blocks the wind but allows the belt to travel.

If the cab doors don't seal fully - and many don't - try levering off the rubber gasket and bending the flange outwards a bit before refitting the seal as that has been known to close small to medium gaps.

You could try living in a less draughty part of the country too!

Happy New Year and good travelling,



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