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solar charge regulator


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hi all help required again for more understanding of something technical.Just fitted a new solar regulator that has an option of setting to 25,50 or 100Hz. the preset option is 25 Hz. I have 2 solar panells(100wt) that charge to 3 X110 amp hr batteries. Question is what is the difference between the ratings and whats the best choice with a not very tecnical speak please. (lol)
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The regulator controls the average charging current (when the sun shines) by quickly switching ON and OFF the connection between the panel and the battery using a transistor. The "ripple current" which is the amount it goes up and down between each pulse will be greater at the lower frequency of 25 Hz. However the switching losses (amount of charging current thrown away as heat by the switching transistor) will be the least at 25 Hz and the most at the highest frequency.


Does that help?




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