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Satellite dish


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I think I will have dish fitted, I actually manage quite well with my little Lidl set up but the time has come for something better.


I want a manual set up, I have to do something or I will become redundant!


What is best?


Round, square, it doesn't matter, it just needs to pull in a good signal into Northern Spain, because my Lidl suction dish does, and I don't want to spend money on something that doesn't work as well.



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We were seriously considering the slightly samller version of this when we were at the Season Finale show. In the end we went for a multimo as we're not sure how much we'll use a satellite, so may end up with a roof mounted one in the future.




Don't forget to ask 'Uncle Dave N' about them too, as he sells them (a bit cheaper usually).

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The only comment I'll make is that the Camos crank up plus should get you all UK satellite channels down to around Barcellona, further than that you will likely lose the BBC, ITV etc but should still get lots of English channels including many SKY subscription channels if you have a SKY package. IMHO it is also a better engineered piece of equipment than the Maxview crankup unit is.


And sorry to disillusion you Mel but I don't sell them cheaper than Roadpro, not even slightly cheaper as they are my suppliers and one thing stands out in the world of commerce, if you undercut your suppliers they cease to be your suppliers :-S .


what we do do is to match Roadpro's catalogue prices, charge sensible installation fees and give a comprehensive demonstration of how to use the equipment and give written instructions with diagrams. The last bit is important because I've lost count of the number of people who have had it supplied and fitted elsewhere then come to me becuase they don't know how to use it, when asked the answer is invariably the same: when they went to collect it there was NO instruction given, either as a demo or even written instructions.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am now the proud owner of a Camos Crank up Plus, fitted today by Dave, (Thanks Dave).


Finding 28.2 on my drive is easy.


I wonder though if anyone has worked out the rotations of the crank up handle for places like France, Spain and Portugal?


I can reach the skew adjustment through the vent so that's OK.


Is there a chart anywhere?



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hallii - 2011-01-07 6:32 PM


I am now the proud owner of a Camos Crank up Plus, fitted today by Dave, (Thanks Dave).


Finding 28.2 on my drive is easy.


I wonder though if anyone has worked out the rotations of the crank up handle for places like France, Spain and Portugal?


I can reach the skew adjustment through the vent so that's OK.


Is there a chart anywhere?


Is this of help?









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Mike88 - 2011-01-07 6:37 PM


Is this of help?





Thanks Mike, I had found that one but I was hoping someone had done the maths for me!


I have just sat and done it,


Around !0 turns in Scotland


Down to 7.8 turns in S. Spain.



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Hi Geoff, glad you're happy with the system. The maths is really not complicated: When parked the "dish" is looking skywards at 90 degrees. The calculation is simple really, establish the elevation required (example Telford = 23 degrees aprox) subtract this from 90 (parked elevation) gives 67 degrees. divide this by 7 as that is how many degrees elevstion alters per turn of the handle: 67/7 = 9.6 (ish). So for the West Mids of UK 9.6 turns of the handle should put you in the right elevation range for Astra 2.



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