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Overnight parking


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We're hoping to stay in our 'van overnight following a NYE party at friends in a quiet, small village.

They haven't got room near their house, so I've asked about where to park. They suggested a large lay-by down a quiet lane leading to a river with lovely views to wake up to. However, they said there's a sign saying "No overnight parking". I don't want to break the law, so have ruled that out.

There's another lay by with recycling facilities that they say is often used by M/homers in the summer.

I thought I read somewhere that one can't park ovenight on the "highway" and don't know if lay-bys count.

I was just wondering what the legalities are of parking up for a kip somewhere. Surely it's a better bet than driving home after having even one drink.

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Do you think that the Police will be out and about on New Years morning, checking lay-by's for motorhomes overnighting?


If it were me, I would just use your first option. If you really wanted to cover yourself, leave the ignition key at your friends house then you cannot get into trouble for being in charge of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.

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If this is in Pembrokeshire and you tell me where you want to overnight I may know a suitable spot as we used to live in the Pembroke area.


There are 'no overnight parking signs' all over the county and Pembs CC are very anti Motorhome even refusing to allow a privately funded and run 'Aire' to be opened near Llanteg but I doubt anyone will bother you at the end of a no through road on New Year's Eve as what limited police are available will be far too busy sorting out the drunken badly behaved idiot fringe in all the towns.

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Thanks for the replies.

I've checked to see if there are any CL's nearby, but none are.

There are dozens of sites in Pembs. but most are further away from our friends house (near Llangwm) than our own place.

Regarding the first lay-by mentioned, I don't think the police would be worried about me, but the locals in their posh houses wouldn't be very happy.

The only reason we are taking the 'van is that we cycle from 10 p.m. 'till just before midnight and then return to base for midnight celebrations.

I won't be getting drunk but just thought as we had the 'van on site, as it were, we'd kip rather than drive straight home.

Before we had the 'van we used to cycle there and back, but I'm getting too old and lazy to want to arrive back home at 3 a.m. with my beard frozen again.

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I doubt anyone will notice - after all Llangym is hardly the centre of the known universe - and if anyone does notice who are they going to tell at 1.00 am on a bank holiday weekend?


Just park where you like that does not cause an obstruction to passing or turning vehicles and don't stay too long in the morning daylight so that when anyone who did notice returns you are not there.


I would prefer the riverside to a layby everytime and ignore the sign - after all you are not so much 'overnighting' more 'over morninging'!


Happy New Year!

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Well Nuevoboy I have on more than one occasion read about motorhomers and caravanners asking police in Scotland whether they can stop overnight in laybys which have no overnighting signs up. On each occasion they were told yes, and it was explained that the no overnighting signs were there to make it easier for the powers that be to move Gypsies on. So I would imagine that the same might apply in England . My main criterion if I were you would be to choose a spot least likely to attract a drunk passerby yob. Best of luck and Happy new year when it comes!!!
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I have, and will continue to, park overnight in various places.


I have found the best places are the dead ends and residential areas.


I find a place where there is not a house, say, a fence both sides of the road, or a grassy area and so on.


I have never been moved and no one takes any notice, just get up and away at a reasonable time and try and move each night.


Pub car parks are very good after hours, most pubs will allow a one nighter.


Cemetary car parks are very quiet at night.



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Thanks once more.


I've remembered a really quiet lay by on another road.....

...outside the cemetery. Not sure if nuevogirl would be too keen though!


We can't park near our firend's house and anyway there's a pub and rugby club near, which are reputed to be a bit rowdy.

As I've mentioned, we won't be drinking and driving,

but drinking and cycling.

Apparently, the charge of being drunk in charge of a bicycle is still on the statute books.....with a fine of 2 guineas payable. :D


Ray, are you celebrating tonight in Fishguard, or are you waiting for the Gwaun Valley version?

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Just an update to let you know that we parked up in the second lay-by and after returning to the 'van at 2 a.m. after an 18 mile cycle and some lovely food and wine at our friends' house, all went well (as you knew it would).

Took ages to get off to sleep but finally woke when first car passed on main road at 8:30. Drove home for breakfast, shower and another kip.

So, can we count that as wild camping?

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nuevoboy - 2011-01-01 3:08 PM

So, can we count that as wild camping?


Absoflippinlutely - welcome to the club! Good innit!!!!!


Happy New Year!

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nuevoboy - 2011-01-01 3:08 PM

So, can we count that as wild camping?




Not until you start spouting off to anyone daft enough to listen that it's the only way to camp.


Also you must gob off that site users are evil. Or pretty close.


You must also insist that when in France, using Aires is compulsory.


You must also insist that site users are bonkers for giving site owners money, as you could use the money for summat else.




No, me neither. Glad it went well for you :D


Martyn (Occasional wild camper) Honest...

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LordThornber - 2011-01-01 4:28 PM




Not until you stop telling anyone where your favorite places are for fear of having them over run by disillusioned CC members tired of paying over the odds to subsidise the whims of a club for caravanners.


Also you must not gob off that site users are evil. Or pretty close - no matter how evil they really are.


You must also insist that when in France, using Aires is compulsory unless you can find a nice freebie by the seaside.


You must also insist that site users are bonkers for giving site owners money, as you could use the money for two site nights to buy enough diesel to cover another 1000 miles.





Martyn (Occasional site user) Honest...


Sorry Martyn - too good a chance to resist!


Only joking - honest - I think??


Happy New Year!

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