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We're going with Desert Detours so I'm confident we'll get clean and adequate water topping up points, so I'm happy to trust the Nature Pure, (he said confidently 2 months before arriving in Morocco!) We generally drink sparkling water so that will have to be purchased locally, but just in case they don't sell it we'll be using "ordinary water".


As for Morocco, we've never been but I've read enough about the place, and I'm big and old enough to form my own opinions about a country. It is a developing third world country so it's obvious their facilities won't match the UK, but who cares? We've got everything we need with us, every facility on the van and if we wanted UK type sites we wouldn't be going.


When we started vanning we soon realised that oner of the most important things we needed was an open mind to fully appreciate the places we visited and we rarely judge or compare places. We have had it proved over and over that to get somewhere on a particular day might make you decide it's a dump, but roll up on another day and it's great. Anyway I digress.


I have checked out the price of the replacement filters and they do seem to be on the dear side, but we did a quick calculation and if we take way the price of bottled water at an average European price and the time we spend touring in the van then the difference between paying for the filter and cartridges over a couple of years isn't that great, so we went for it. There's very little in this lifestyle/hobby that bears minute financial scrutiny anyway!

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