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hi. my bessie 763 is of the rear ladderless variety and in the middle of the roof is an electrlux air con unit. what i would like to do is get at it to service it (i have a friendly engineer) now i know that i could put up 2 mobile scaffold towers with planks across but is my roof of the same structure as a roof made to be walked on . i am dead scared of even attempting to try to access it at the mo. any suggestions. cheers
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Hi Clay,

          I think the lack of answers speaks for its self, I know some Motorhome Manufacturers will tell you the  roof area that may be accessed "distributing" the weight,(Plank or board ) but IMO  the Roof is best not stood on, if you can get hold of said scaffold ,thats a far better idea for your M/H and for the engineer, with a bit of luck when this is bumped to the top you may get more assistance, but mine has a ladder and I still wont climb on the roof,   Good luck.

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Hello Clay , I am for my sins a roofer , I would always say on any roof wether on a building or motorhome do not put any weight on it if possible , especially a GRP roof , the slightest crack in the top coat will weaken the main base coat . Keep away from any upstands especially , these are the weak points . Others may come on and offer there motorhoming advice , I talk as a roofer and GRP installer and would advise no weight on there at all
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There should be no problem with walking on your roof but as suggested by others a plank or board to spread your weight is always a good idea. Not quite sure what exactly your engineer is going to do as they are sealed units and nothing I'm aware of is servicable inside the roof top unit. About all you can really do is fire one of the cans of disinfectant/freshener into it to remove any bacterial growths that might be inside the vents.



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Guest JudgeMental
I would place a blanket and then spread ther load with a sheet of board chap can then sit up there with tools without a problem I would think.....
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Is their any guidance in the vehicle manual ? I have had 4 different makes of Motorhome and have walked on the roof of all of them without any problem. Obviously, need to take care and not jump up and down however not sure if ladderless vehicles are built any differently ?
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I've walked around on the roof and washed all 3 of our vans including our current Burstner. Without any problems, but I only weigh 11 stone.
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