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Comfort Motorhome Insurance

Vernon B

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Existing and prospective policy holders might like to know that this company has now amended their policy exclusions "so that vehicles left at the premises of motor traders for the purpose of maintenance or repair are now covered by the policy". This change because effective from January 2011.


I have no personal association with this company but having just taken out a new policy with them starting 1 January I was please to see that this concern has now been addressed. Thought others might like to know.





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Thought you'd like to know. Now never being one to look a gift horse in the mouth (much) but the information I received didn't make it clear if this change applied immediately to existing policy owners or at renewal so you'd be wise to check.



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Vernon B - 2011-01-07 7:56 PM Thought you'd like to know. Now never being one to look a gift horse in the mouth (much) but the information I received didn't make it clear if this change applied immediately to existing policy owners or at renewal so you'd be wise to check. V

From a recent conversation I had with Comfort it seems the conditions that attach to any period of insurance are those in force when the insurance was taken out/renewed.  That is the contractual position, although the insurer may, at his discretion, accept under the new conditions a claim that would have been disallowed under the prevailing conditions.  However, any such decision would be without obligation on the part of the insurer.

From my own experience, I would also advise everyone to check that they have a copy of the insurance conditions current at the time they took out/renewed their cover.  I found my booklet was seriously out of date in respect of (but not only!) EU membership, and which countries do/do not, necessitate a Green Card.

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""so that vehicles left at the premises of motor traders for the purpose of maintenance or repair are now covered by the policy"


Surely "Now covered" means just what it says; covered from date of amendment ie 1st January 2011 & would therefore cover vehicles currently insured with them?

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The only SURE way is to check with them individually.


When a policy document is changed you cannot assume it covers anyone who already had a policy prior to the date of the change.


What if instead the change was detrimental to you all, for example, say you all had this cover and they changed the policy to remove it ... would you expect that to be applicable to existing policies? I suspect not - it is normally as Brian says, the policy wording that is in existence at the time you took out your policy originally.


It may well be that it does now definitely include everyone with a current policy, regardless of when it was taken out, but it should not be ASSUMED.



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Sophie - 2011-01-09 6:17 PM "so that vehicles left at the premises of motor traders for the purpose of maintenance or repair are now covered by the policy" Surely "Now covered" means just what it says; covered from date of amendment ie 1st January 2011 & would therefore cover vehicles currently insured with them?

You must be very careful with this, and should never make assumptions about anything in an insurance document.  If unsure, as Mel says, check with the insurer, their word will be final.

Also, you should be aware that the version of Comfort's conditions, as linked above, is now out of date.  It is (V29) 09.2009 (see bottom left of back cover), which is 41 pages long.  I am on (V29) 03.2010, which is 32 pages long. 

According to my conversation with Comfort there is a further new edition, which is the one Vernon is presumably referring to, that comes into effect as of 1/1/2011, but which will apply to policies taken out/renewed on, or after, that date.  I am on 03.2010 because our renewal date is in July, and that was the version current at that time. 

Anyone whose policy was taken out/renewed between 1/9/2009 and 1/3/2010, and whose renewal date has not yet arrived, will presumably be subject to the conditions on the linked 09.2009 edition, but will go straight to the 2011 conditions on renewal.  Complicated - you bet!  :-)

Why is this important?  Because Vernon's post that "so that vehicles left at the premises of motor traders for the purpose of maintenance or repair are now covered by the policy" does not quote directly from the policy document, but paraphrases it, but mostly because the following statement appears under "General Exceptions" in both the 03.2010 (p26) and the 09.2009 (p35) versions of the conditions.

"Your policy does not cover the following:

1. Any accident, injury, loss or damage while the vehicle under this policy is being:

• Used otherwise than for the purposes described under the “Limitation as to Use” section of your certificate of motor insurance

• Driven by any person other than as described under the section of your certificate of motor insurance headed “Persons or Classes of Persons entitled to drive” except that cover will not be withdrawn:

i) if the injury, loss or damage was caused as a result of your motor caravan being stolen or having been taken without your consent or other lawful authority

ii) by reason of the person driving not having a driving licence, if you had no knowledge of such deficiency

• while your motor caravan is in the custody or control of a member of the motor trade for the purposes of sale, overhaul, upkeep or repair"

It is the paragraph immediately above that says such cover is not applicable, and the normal assumption has, hitherto, been that it will be the "motor trader's" insurance that will apply. 

The only people who can say, with certainty, which conditions will apply to your insurance, are Comfort.  Therefore, if in doubt, contact them, and get them to confirm in writing.

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While agreeing with your main point Brian I would like to point out, should there be any doubt, that the "paraphrasing" was a direct quote from a written statement I have received from Comfort - but not the Policy Document which has only just gone to print.






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Vernon B - 2011-01-09 8:00 PM While agreeing with your main point Brian I would like to point out, should there be any doubt, that the "paraphrasing" was a direct quote from a written statement I have received from Comfort - but not the Policy Document which has only just gone to print. V

Hi Vernon.  I had guessed it was a quote from the covering letter, but I still think contractually it is only relevant to policies taken out/renewed after 1/1/2011.  Others should, therefore, check with Comfort if they want "chapter and verse".

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