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Black Gas BBQ Outlet


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I have a motorhome that is silver in colour i also have fitted two refillable gas bottles with a black outlet filler i now want to fit a BBQ outlet along side the gas bottle Black outlet so i am now looking for a black BBQ outlet but cant fine any and the dealers is of no help so i was wondering if someone on the forum could help please.
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Sorry,not really what you're after but if there's a way of "threading" the hose back up into the gas locker,CAK Tanks do a neat quick realease tap:

Part no: GQCT8

(..that's what we do..only we just connect to the "spare" cylinder")


I don't know successful trying to spray a white housing would be...


I expect someone'll be along soon... ;-)



Edit: Truma do one:

Part no: 23290-03


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On a previous van the exterior light discoloured and so did the electric connection and BBQ connection point covers, hubby just used aerosol paint (properly prepared the surface and used a suitable undercoat). They looked as if they had been like that from new and never deteriorated ... much, much cheaper than £63 too!


Forgot to say, he used a silver colour spray so you could even get it to blend in completely if you wanted ...

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Choose a different bodyshop: pay cash and you should be able to get something as simple as a cap sprayed for no more than about £20-£30 if that. £63 is a bit over the top. I only paid £25 to have a mirror housing painted and primed in metallic blue with a lacquer.
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