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Fiamma awning mystery can anyone explain the differance & the price??Odd I have asked how awnings a

Alf Stonehouse

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I have asked how awnings are held up.


Yesterday i drank expensive (£3.80)dismal coffee in a freezing càfe,freezing because EU smoking rules ensured the door was open as smokers stood at the door out of the rain,the smoke blown into the càfe on freezing gusts


The càfe has wi-fi & a power outlet!I looked at endless sites offering “awnings”After a full morning i was more confused than ever??There is “caravan store” “F35””F45””F65” Caravan “Zip”


I “thought” i wanted an “F45”but it seems i dont?The “F35” would be as good and leass costly.But then there is the mounting which “has to be done properly”& it seems “bolted onto”the camper


The “caravanstore” it seems is a plastic sack which is hung on the side of the camper.


Has anyone had or used a “caravan store”????The shop & site looked at say it has to be “rolled out & up again”?But what keeps it up?? Dose it have legs?Dose it have tubes to extend the shade??


In Fiamma Italy they show “parts” to hold it up?


Then there seems to be a caravan store “light”????


The price?F45 £500 F35 £350 caravan store £250???? BUT ive seen caravan store 3 meters wide 150€ F45 570€ F35 380€???


Not having a large budget the caravan store seems to offer the same “shade”for less than a third or half the price of its metal contained brothers It also offered a simple slide on fit with no mounting worries??


Should i buy the caravan store for 150€??? I saw it,its a large white sack im told its complete(with feet?? things to hold it up???)


Im asking as yesterday when i looked on-line the “caravan stores” had an asking price of around £220/220€?????Why would a French caravan shop ask 150€ when it asks 380€ for the F35 and 570€ for the F45????????????????????????????


The shop is now about 200kms away.Should i rush back & buy?Or wait until im “on the way back” why such large price differences????


On another point a “wac.Compressor fridge” from a London Yacht chandler costs £460 to £490 from 50 to 80 liters the same fridge from a caravan shop costs over £1100?????


Awning help can i buy a “caravan store” what should i get with it??


Ive just noticed that a bag hanging from a rail will stop the side door opening Now what? A 35?

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'Bag' awnings like Fiamma's "Caravanstore" are (as the name suggests) essentially designed for caravans. They are light and cheapish and - although you could fit one to a motorhome if you grafted an awning rail on to the vehicle - it's unlikely that it would be as satisfactory as a proper wind-out awning.


This link provides a fair bit of information about Fiamma products and may help you decide which awning might be most suitable:




Not having any details of your motorhome's make/model/year, etc. (I'm assuming it's a quite compact camper) complicates offering advice, but an F35 PRO sounds like a better bet than a Caravanstore.

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I have a six meter camper,old but sound yes the F35 looks better but seems a bit expensive?AS its is the price range for the 35 is from £320 to over £400 what should one cost?


Having wi-fi on the move dosnt help searching im standing outside in the drizzel to post now :'( All part of travelling through France

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Alf Stonehouse - 2011-01-11 8:10 PM


I have a six meter camper,old but sound yes the F35 looks better but seems a bit expensive?AS its is the price range for the 35 is from £320 to over £400 what should one cost?


Having wi-fi on the move dosnt help searching im standing outside in the drizzel to post now :'( All part of travelling through France


How much should a cup of coffee cost? Plainly it's going to depend on where you buy it from, the amount you get, the quality of the coffee, etc. etc., never mind the country you buy it in. Similarly with awnings...


This is a link to a very reputable UK on-line vendor marketing Fiamma's F35 PRO awnings




The prices vary from £222 for the 1.8m-long awning to £363 for the 4.3m-long version. You'd then need to add the price of the attachments (probably £60-£70), plus labour charges for fitting the awning on your camper. (Incidentally, I note that the F35 PRO is said to be a 'pull-out' awning, not a 'wind-out' one.)


I've seen F35 PRO awnings advertised on other UK websites for over £100 more, and I've seen "Caravanstore" awnings advertised at higher prices than equivalent-length F35 PROs. I've no idea what asking-prices are likely to be outside the UK.


You really need to SEE these things to decide what would be most suitable for you. There's no point whatsoever buying on price alone and then regretting your choice. You might also want to consider products from other manufacturers (eg. Omnistor)



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