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February MMM

Mike P

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Sorry to confess to treachery, but I don't subscribe anymore. I have a look when I see it in the supermarket, and if there's stuff I want to read I buy it, if there ain't, I don't.

I still get the "opposition" one delivered though (BTW have you seen their website and forums? Not as big/well-used as this one yet, but a promising start). There' now I'll get "pulled!"

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febrer - 2011-01-13 3:21 PM


I got mine today. why so early in january? :->


I assume its to do with the fact that there are now 13 issues a year, ie every 4 weeks, rather than every month - so at this rate we should be getting the one for March on 10th Feb!!! 8-)

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graham - 2011-01-13 7:20 PM


Just out of interest if there are 13 issues a year what is the 13th month going to be called. Or as the years roll by will the March 2015 issue be published in June 2014.


One of the electronics mags has 13 issues a year, around june they have a 'summer' issue to get back in line with months

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Whatever was the matter with 12 issues a year and January being called........I know.... January ! it's a bit like the TV now, Loads of channels but rubbish on most of them, (because the advert revenue spread that thinly can't support worthwhile programs) the same is happening with 'quality' magazines (MMM was quality) sorry MMM but i've joined Tony, I'll still read you, but not 'Religously' any more (sorry Tony). Ray ;-)



My Idea of 'Rubbish' 5 ordinary people holding dinner parties for each other to win a few quid......in Australia !!! I'd rather watch paint dry.

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My FEB one also arrived today - but the see-through packaging was open top AND bottom.....wonder if they have a problem with their distributors . Will call them Monday to advise, as I could/may have lost some of the inserts.


I also noticed it was already on sale in the shops locally yesterday.....the earliest I have ever known it!

The earlier postings out 13 issues per year make interesting reading - is this really the case..I must have missed something about it somewhere? If so, I have to agree how come this is the Feb issue - I would have thought that if there was to be an extra one, it would simply be when appropriate,(eg a 'special show'issue or similar) and the other 12 would still be on a calendar month basis? . I've certainly never know one this early in the preceding month - it used to arrive about 20th-25th from memory!

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