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February MMM

Mike P

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I think ALL is becoming clearer (said the gypsy looking into her crystal ball) it seems we have a 'New' editor at the helm, he comes from a 'Marketing' background (all is lost !!) he took over at the end of the year, could THAT be the reason for 13 issues a year instead of 12 ??? it might explain the 'King Size' coxk-up that was delivery of the Jan. issue, although the snow probably didn't help.

Also My February issue was 'opened' and re-sealed by the Royal Mail, but it did have all the recycling 'bumpf' still in it, (i don't include the 2011 sites book in that description). Bye, Bye Mike & Jane, you did a good job !

Pity Dave Hurrell didn't get 'The Job'. Ray *-)

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Hi just to say I stopped Buying MMM over two year ago, got fed up of the same old adverts aprox 85% repeats,same old format ,very little reading matter, and the price kept on creeping up and up,after all just under £5 for a magazine, you must be joking.It remains to be seen if a new editor will help ?.
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"Pity Dave Hurrell didn't get 'The Job'. Ray"

Agree, Dave values his freedom too much though, something that Mike and Jane have come to appreciate.


Most of MMM is generated by motorhome amateurs for motorhome amateurs and that I believe is what makes it interesting reading. Sometimes a lot more detail than most folk want (occasionally from me!) but its unique in that respect. Its "In depth".

Lets hope the new editor Danniel Attwood can build on the firm foundations left by M&J and increase the magazines attractiveness, investigate new avenues and instill some freshness. That is after the team at Warners have held his arm firmly behind his back and guided him to purchase his own motorhome. Only then will he have the basic qualifications for leading MMM.


It worked with Peter Rosenthall after all!






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I am away, but I gather from another forum that I have a piece in it - so I'm hoping that my cheque is waiting on the mat along with the Feb magazine. I have been waiting about a year for it to be in, and it sounds as if it is just in time if the editors are retiring :-D
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Clive - 2011-01-15 2:59 PM


Sometimes a lot more detail than most folk want (occasionally from me!) but its unique in that respect. Its "In depth".








You won't get any complaints from me about the 'Details' or fix for a problem, no matter HOW detailed. How can you fix something without at least have an inkling as to how it works ? Too many things we buy and use these days are 'Sealed black boxes' that no-one can fix when they go wrong, we are breeding a generation of technology 'idiots', who rely on these things without having a clue how or why they work, and even less idea of what to do when it goes wrong. Once you STOP learning you are at other peoples mercy and deserve your 'lot'. (end of rant ).

keep on, Keeping on ! and Thanks Ray :D

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Toonman - 2011-01-17 3:51 PM


I still have not received a Janury or February mag yet. I have received my Which Motorhome so something is getting through so I don't know why the others have not arrived




if you look on another thread i think titled january mmm, the moderator said they would send out other copies you just need to get in touch with warners,,,,,,, so i suggest you could do that B-)







1st page i think

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  • 3 weeks later...
Maybe the new editor, Daniel will let us know what his research says the readers want - then we can start writing for him/ them. I was quite pleased with my £80 for my final pitch - but, like the CS we are about to set up in the Highlands, we will never make a fortune out of it :D :-(
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747 - 2011-02-07 11:16 PM


If I had known MMM paid for articles, I would have put pen to paper long ago.


I might do a piece on miserable old gits with motorhomes. :-D


I will not have to go far for my material. :D


Speak for yourself, 747 (lol)


I must have spent my money 100 times - it is so long since I wrote it :-( but it was still good when it turned up :D

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peterrosey - 2011-01-17 10:45 AM


I believe the delivery issues are down to the Royal Mail's backlog as they try and catch-up on deliveries.


It also affected all the other magazines I subscribe to.


I stopped subscribing to MMM ages ago, but I suspect that the Royal Mail doesn't handle the mag from the printers to your door. Its likely that MMM have a contract with a bulk mail carrier like UK Mail or one of the others and its only Royal Mail who deliver whats referred to as the "final mile".


This way the postage costs to MMM are reduced, but you generally get a poorer service. If this is the case you will find that the package is not date franked, and therefore you will have no idea how long the carrier or for that matter the Royal Mail have had your mag before final delivery.

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starvin marvin - 2011-02-08 11:27 AM


peterrosey - 2011-01-17 10:45 AM


I believe the delivery issues are down to the Royal Mail's backlog as they try and catch-up on deliveries.


It also affected all the other magazines I subscribe to.


I stopped subscribing to MMM ages ago, but I suspect that the Royal Mail doesn't handle the mag from the printers to your door. Its likely that MMM have a contract with a bulk mail carrier like UK Mail or one of the others and its only Royal Mail who deliver whats referred to as the "final mile".


This way the postage costs to MMM are reduced, but you generally get a poorer service. If this is the case you will find that the package is not date franked, and therefore you will have no idea how long the carrier or for that matter the Royal Mail have had your mag before final delivery.


Well, whether it was the 'good old' Royal Mail or 'private enterprise' they certainly 'Screwed up' delivery of January's edition of MMM. So much so that as my Subscription was up for renewal, I decided not to. And as my Local supermarket had no such supply/delivery problem, i have elected to get it from them instead (as they appear to have priority over subscribers).

sorry MMM, I would rather pay the extra, and be sure of getting it. *-)

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Tony Jones - 2011-01-13 1:45 PM


Sorry to confess to treachery, but I don't subscribe anymore. I have a look when I see it in the supermarket, and if there's stuff I want to read I buy it, if there ain't, I don't.

I still get the "opposition" one delivered though (BTW have you seen their website and forums? Not as big/well-used as this one yet, but a promising start). There' now I'll get "pulled!"


I no longer subscribe to mmm too many adds, I used to subscribe to motorcaravan magazine less adds better travel articles but that has stopped being published.


Tony can you disclose who the "opposition" is as I do miss getting a magazine every month and this might be an alternative???



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