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I cant find POIs for Lidl & Aldi?Where do i click on POI GPS date site?

Alf Stonehouse

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:-S Ive been to this site many time but cant download a thing?The links are all dead?




As you see Lidl Aldi & others are listed but ive found it impossible to get anywhere?


Has anyone tried this site? (?)


Can anyone direct me to a link for lidl & aldi Please :-S The media techs only open another hour i dont know when ill find another connection?


Lidl has been quite useful although its digi tyer pressure gauge give very odd readings 8-)


Help with lidl aldi POIs urgently sort *-) :$

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B-) Yes & yes


It "may" have worked i got to the download page which downloaded files :-D i hope 8-)


The "càfe" i use & have returned to has a broken ADSL box *-) So no wi-fi :-S


Im at the media tech in Uzerche (France) they allowed me to use my USB key & portable firefox so fingers crossed the file will open & load when im back at my mobile home :-S


They just said "ferme" so thats it until next week


Fingers crossed it works

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I have just downloaded all the Supermarket POI's listed for the TomTom (Aldi Lidle, Carrefour, Auchen and Champion), so not sure why you are having a problem. All the links seem to be working fine.




P.S. Not registered or Logged on to the site by the way!

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