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Hi all ,we arrived at Silves in Portugal and parked up with all the other vans on the main carpark and heard some sad news, A fellow Motorhomer had fallen off the roof of his van and died from a Heart Attack we are told, as usual the stories told about the event vary but the truth of the matter is that the chap is dead and we are not sure if the body has been Cremated or Buried or is in fact still in cold storage as again different stories are told. We knew the man as JOHN THE MUSIC and he was from the West Country, FROME we believe.Sadly he had just changed his van for a smaller one and a few weeks ago ,just before Christmas we met him at OLAHAO and he was cock a hoop with his van ,he had a Satelite dish with him that he intended to fix to the roof of his van,and we believe that is what he was trying to do when he fell.I believe John was about 78 years old ,wild camping on his own and loving it. I hope that I am fortunate enough to enjoy life as much as John did and that I can go out of this life as John did doing what I enjoy most and as quickly as John did. Rest in Peace John and make music in Heaven.
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That is sad news, did he have a travelling partner do you know?


Similarly I heard the other day that one of our customers had an accident just before Christmas. Apparently when doing sometihng to his motorhome he slipped off a step ladder and fractured hos skull and died soon afterwards. My thoughts are with his widow who is now selling their much loved motorhome.





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No,John was travelling alone, his full name was John Holland, known as John the Music Man as he played a key board and often entertained us on the sites, his van is parked here at Silves waiting collection by his Family I assume. The Police have the keys etc. so all is in hand we assume.
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