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Camping Card International

John  Anne

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I have always been reluctant to leave our Passports with the Campsite, especially when stopping for a few days.

As Brian posted, if during that period we are requested to show proof of identity or injured, not having possession of our Passport will cause delays as a minimum.

For £5 the CCI deposited with the Campsite, to eliminate this and is cost effective.

Forgetting the Passport would be rather more expensive to retrieve when we realise miles down the road or need to obtain a replacement.

The CCI discounts can therefore be seen as a bonus, IMO.

Thanks again to Robinhood again for finding where it is on the Caravan Club website.

Once we get our dates sorted, I'll obtain a couple.

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flicka - 2011-01-27 9:36 PM

I have always been reluctant to leave our Passports with the Campsite, especially when stopping for a few days.

As Brian posted, if during that period we are requested to show proof of identity or injured, not having possession of our Passport will cause delays as a minimum.

For £5 the CCI deposited with the Campsite, to eliminate this and is cost effective.

Forgetting the Passport would be rather more expensive to retrieve when we realise miles down the road or need to obtain a replacement.

The CCI discounts can therefore be seen as a bonus, IMO.

Thanks again to Robinhood again for finding where it is on the Caravan Club website.

Once we get our dates sorted, I'll obtain a couple.

You only get one - not one each. :-|
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flicka - 2011-01-27 9:36 PM

Once we get our dates sorted, I'll obtain a couple.

I note Malc D has already posted on this.

I'm not sure if they wouldn't actually issue you two if you've effectively got two members - after all they would charge you for both. ;-)

I've only ever applied for one, however (as I'm pretty sure the attached insurance covers the party not the person), and I haven't ever been asked for identity for the whole party except in the case where they wouldn't accept the CCI as such anyway (and even then they retained the CCI against booking out, not the passports - all a matter of local law and registering with the police).

So, one only required I think.

I've always been a little paranoid after relinquishing my passport during a flight connection delay at Casablanca, finding myself (officially) led to land-side without passing immigration, and having a gun pulled on me when I tried to re-enter to get the passport back. Part of an "interesting" Morrocan trip. :-O

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starvin marvin - 2011-01-27 8:47 PM  Brian, I respect your views here, but it all strikes me as speculation, with a dose or two of a belt and braces view from someone who it seems to me to be (and I apologise if this is inaccurate) a non or a very very minimal risk taker. ........

OT, but no, it is not all speculation.  My wife had her handbag "picked" in Athens last year.  Both passports were in it, but the thief missed them, and only got her purse containing a relatively small amount of cash, plus cards.  We have card insurance and knew of the theft within minutes, so were able to deal with the fall-out immediately.  Part of the process was to get a police report.  My experiences of Athens police stations do not persuade me I would want to repeat the process for the rather more complicated process of getting stolen passports replaced.  You start by having to prove your identity.  Kafka, anyone?  Oh, and neither of us was drunk at the time!  :-)

I don't agree with you about risk.  What is the special nobility in taking easily avoidable risks?  Is there some benefit to be gained from adding avoidable risk to the unavoidable risks we all take on a daily basis?  If I can identify a risk, I assess it, and where reasonably practicable, and economically sensible, avoid it.  I think that is why we have brains?  If my approach to risk were as you portray it, I would probably just stay at home.  I certainly would not have driven a motorhome to Athens, or Greece in general for that matter, or to any of the other "interesting" corners of Europe we have visited!

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Obliged to John& Anne, for bringing this subject up, I have just contacted the Caravan Club to purchase a Camping Card International for my wife and myself,   I was told I would only require one Card which would cover "The Party", she then went on to tell me what the card covers and for £5.50,its got to be really good value for money, when I asked to order one and was asked the date of my trip (May) I was advised to leave it till a week before I leave as it would come by first class post.
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We have been going to the continent for around 8 years and have stayed at around 70 to 80 sites, not once have I left our passports.

If asked I give the cci card which I have ready and its always been accepted. We often leave the card until we leave as we are often not sure how long we want to stay. So to us it is a must have.

We never book a site in advance.

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Have been going continentalfor something like 20years and always have the CCI through CC. At no time wouldI ever leave my passport with a camping site reception -not so much just that they could lose it, but it may be copied and then another copy made and misused for someone lese ID!

As far as I can remember, when checking in at sites, no-one has even asked for the passport when I present the CCI.


If using hotels, then yes, they may ask for passport initially, but I will not agrree to them keeping it; yes, photocoy for their records and hand it back immeditaely,and no problems have been experienced in doing this.


The passport is often required for other purposes - in France we have had occasions where payment in Hypermarkets using a credit card, sometimes they ask for the passport if the amount exceeds a certain figure, I think. In fact, I generally carry mine with me for any ID required in most foreign countries.

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Robinhood - 2011-01-27 9:54 PM

............................So, one only required I think......................

A number of sites we visited in Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic required ID for both persons.  While some, but not all, would accept the CCI for one, they still required the passport of the other.  The only rule is, there are no rules, and certainly no "one size fits all rules"!

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Brian Kirby - 2011-01-28 6:54 PM
Robinhood - 2011-01-27 9:54 PM

............................So, one only required I think......................

A number of sites we visited in Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic required ID for both persons.  While some, but not all, would accept the CCI for one, they still required the passport of the other.  The only rule is, there are no rules, and certainly no "one size fits all rules"!

I think you may have misunderstood what I wrote, though I may not have been clear. :-)

It was a response to Flicka's intention to obtain two CCIs. I wasn't trying to imply only the one set of documentation would suffice in all cases, only that a single CCI would suffice for practical purposes (i.e. not having to surrender your passport) in most cases.

If they insist on retaining passports, more than one CCI would be of little additional use.

I have also been asked for ID for the whole party; (as an example, and in the latest case, in Slovenia last year, on initial production of the CCI they requested passports for all of us). They were happy, however to retain only the CCI against our departure, not the passports.

I'm sure there are all sorts of variations, but in general my experience has been that the requirement for production of passports has been driven by the local police requirements for identifying, registering and reporting "foreigners", (as would be required in a hotel, where a CCI is out of context) whereas the retention of documentation has been driven by the commercial realities of inhibiting a "moonlight flit", and campsites are generally comfortable with a CCI in these cases.

(I have to admit, however, that over the years the number of occasions any of my documentation has been retained, even with an open-ended departure date, has reduced significantly).

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Hi, I rang The Caravan Club (01342 327410) on Wednesday this week, my CCI Carnet arrived today, Friday. You need to have a current membership number to be eligible. For the sake of £5.50 we would never travel without one. We even got a 10% discount on a week long stay out of season in November in Rome at Camping Roma. That alone paid for the card twice over, well worth the money and you usually retain your passport on sites.



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twooks - 2011-01-27 9:24 PM


maggyd - 2011-01-27 9:19 PM


There is NO way I would give up my passport to a camping site :-S the CCI card cost £5 + but a replacement passport cost you in excess of £70 .

I dont think you have to be a member of the clubs to get one you ust ring up and tell them what you want and they put you on the relevant dept;



you have to be a member of an associated club


who do you 'just ring up'?



You ring either of the Clubs your membership number isnt the first thing they ask you! Mind you as we are club members of both I just thought as the card is an insurence you would be provided with it as long as you paid the £5.50

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Robinhood - 2011-01-28 7:30 PM
Brian Kirby - 2011-01-28 6:54 PM
Robinhood - 2011-01-27 9:54 PM

............................So, one only required I think......................

A number of sites we visited in Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic required ID for both persons.  While some, but not all, would accept the CCI for one, they still required the passport of the other.  The only rule is, there are no rules, and certainly no "one size fits all rules"!

I think you may have misunderstood what I wrote, though I may not have been clear. :-)

It was a response to Flicka's intention to obtain two CCIs. I wasn't trying to imply only the one set of documentation would suffice in all cases, only that a single CCI would suffice for practical purposes (i.e. not having to surrender your passport) in most cases.

If they insist on retaining passports, more than one CCI would be of little additional use.

I have also been asked for ID for the whole party; (as an example, and in the latest case, in Slovenia last year, on initial production of the CCI they requested passports for all of us). They were happy, however to retain only the CCI against our departure, not the passports.

I'm sure there are all sorts of variations, but in general my experience has been that the requirement for production of passports has been driven by the local police requirements for identifying, registering and reporting "foreigners", (as would be required in a hotel, where a CCI is out of context) whereas the retention of documentation has been driven by the commercial realities of inhibiting a "moonlight flit", and campsites are generally comfortable with a CCI in these cases.

(I have to admit, however, that over the years the number of occasions any of my documentation has been retained, even with an open-ended departure date, has reduced significantly).

I think we are may still be at cross-purposes.  What I meant was that with two CCIs, you could deposit both with reception, so retaining both passports.  I agree the passport details are only required to satisfy local fuzz, and retention of CCI/passport is against a "drive off", but if you can leave a couple of CCIs in the office, in lieu of passports, I think I would be that bit happier.

Our "best" experience was near Domazlice, in Czech, Autocamp Hajovna at Kdyne.  The warden was paranoid, and had to fill in a form for each of us, while we waited, taking all details from the passports in a duplicate book, and then each of us had to sign that he had it down right.  I'd have gone to the loo first if I'd realised it would take that long!!  :-)  Local police chief he said.  Tell him to get lost I said.  Poor chap was quivering at the thought!  And that was only 2008!  Old habits eh?  Communism must have been a truly wonderful experience.

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Brian Kirby - 2011-01-29 5:34 PM

I think we are may still be at cross-purposes. 

Aye we were, but not  now. ;-)

I've never been asked to hand over a passport for retention when I've offered a CCI, even though I have had to show passports for all the party, and then hand over the CCI.

I'm sure it could/did happen, but I'll stick with one CCI.

Times change don't they? On my first visit to Paris with my (then not-yet) wife we had to hand over the passports for registration and retention in the hotel. The concierge carefully perused them, entered the (different named) details into the register for the Police Nationale, told us our room number, and as I disappeared up the stairs gave me what I can only describe as a cross between a wink and a leer that must have taken him years to perfect. :-O

I haven't been asked to relinquish my passport at a hotel anywhere, never mind France, for years now.

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I have had my passport 'retained' - it was a few years ago - I think it was in Slovenia.

In Croatia I was asked to leave my passport at reception for 24 hours and when I declined they just took a photo copy and gave it back.


We have always taken a camping carnet but I now also carry a couple of photo copies of my passport just in case it is required.





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we always carry photocopies of crucial documents:

driving licence, V5, MOT, Insurance docs, EHIC as well as passport,

stash them and originals in different places in the van - with originals hidden away :D

and a list of useful phone numbers -

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