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I want to change my tyres on My Compass Aventgarde 300 to Mud & Snow type. I can't get any locally I have looked up on line and can only find Michelin Agilis. They seem to be popular but I don't know about the load which is stated as 109


Mine has a max loaad 1030Kg


As i don't understand about the load, I wondered if anyone could guide mw.

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hazelw - 2011-01-27 9:53 PM I want to change my tyres on My Compass Aventgarde 300 to Mud & Snow type. I can't get any locally I have looked up on line and can only find Michelin Agilis. They seem to be popular but I don't know about the load which is stated as 109 Mine has a max loaad 1030Kg As i don't understand about the load, I wondered if anyone could guide mw.

The 109 is the load index for the tyre, which in fact equates to a maximum load on the tyre of 1030kg, or an axle (single rather than double wheels) of 2060kg (assuming it is reasonably balanced loading).

You might find it useful to download the Motorhome Tyres information from the following link which explains quite a bit.


In any case, the load index rating for the tyres you fit should be at least equal to half the maximum axle loading for each of the front and back axle.

If your tyres as fitted now are originals, this should apply, and you should probably go for the same index as you currently have.

(using a higher index than required will be safe, and legal, but the ride may suffer and you may well pay over the odds).


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There is a load index, 109= 1030kg per tyre. The load index is an internationaly recognised sytem that can be translated into the locally used sytem of weights.


LI of 112 just happens to be 1120kg


Michelin do a M+S but my local tyre retailer tells me that because of the bad weather most M+S are on back order. The position should improve in a month or two.


The trouble with improving off traction is that while allowing you to further off road, it does mean you its just that much more difficult to get out when you do get stuck.

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I read on a tyre makers site ( probably Continental but not absolutly sure) that because motorcaravan tyres always run at a high percentage of of their rated load that it was desirable to use tyres with a ten % higher load rating than the maximum they actually carry.


Correctly inflated for the load they have to carry ride shoull not be significantly affected


I have seen graphs of loading aginst wear rate and wear accelerates dramatically if tyres are overloaded

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hazelw - 2011-01-27 9:53 PM


I want to change my tyres on My Compass Aventgarde 300 to Mud & Snow type. I can't get any locally I have looked up on line and can only find Michelin Agilis. They seem to be popular but I don't know about the load which is stated as 109


Mine has a max loaad 1030Kg


As i don't understand about the load, I wondered if anyone could guide mw.


The tyres on your motorhome will be 215/70 R15C (Load Index = 109)


To the best of my knowledge the only general-purpose, widely marketed tyre with that particular specification AND M+S marking is Michelin's "Agilis Camping".


There will be 215/70 R15C 'winter' tyres that are likely to be M+S-marked, but I doubt that's what you are looking for.


It might be useful to know why an M+S-marked tyre is important to you.



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