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Motorhome disapears in police chase


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Why on earth would the idiots steal a chap motorhome like that anyway? Not a massive resale value in it (I know that there are some beautiful old motorhomes about though). Sounds to me more like someone did it for a lark.


The police - what a joke - they must've been 'sleeping policemen'! :D

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I might have told this one before on this Forum but just in case i did not here goes.My Brother-law who parked his 1986 m/h on the road outside his property.One day he saw couple of guys looking under the bonnet of their car opposite his van, after a long while they were still there so he asked could he help and they said its ok its the battery.

Following day he is in the back garden which overlooks the main road and see's a van go by identical to his, gave no more thought to it until going out that day his van is gone.The van was never found again but what was amazing is the insurance company paid out more than he paid for it. Long time afterwards we were down for the weekend and deceided to go out in his Escort car. I was to drive so turned the key and nothing , said you have let the battery go flat, will have to get a jump start. Opened bonnet ,crikey no battery they had cut through the leads so short had to renew them as well.

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It all makes sense to me.


Police on foot in early hours of morning see a moving motorhome. its the time of night when it would be reason able to expect the occupants to in the beds.


Surprise , suprise the thieves dont stop when required and knowing the vehcile details are already being circulated drive a short distance and abandon it.


Having a police long service medal does give one a certain insight into these matters.

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